Have you stopped beating your wife yet, TruthMatters?
Something tells me TM is not quite at the age where he could legally drive a car, let alone get married.
have you gone back to that- or lost you faith because of 'brothers'?.
Have you stopped beating your wife yet, TruthMatters?
Something tells me TM is not quite at the age where he could legally drive a car, let alone get married.
["covid-19 vaccines can’t alter your dna, here’s why"]
can covid-19 vaccines alter my dna?
no, covid-19 vaccines do not alter your dna.
Just popping in to note how fascinatingly close the attitude and reasoning of anti-vax proponents on this site parallels the anti-vax attitude and reasoning of literally one century ago, as (tying in the JW connection for this JW board) written up extensively in the "Golden Age" magazines from (yes) a full century ago.
Perhaps a few radio biola treatments will prevent or cure COVID?
the sunday speaker was one of those very smooth younger ones with the "look".
store bought haircut and a very pretty wife ( the kind that makeup isn't needed, side point).. i tongue tied a comment to my wife about maybe he was a bethelite who was reassigned and said bethelout by mistake.
i like the word.
very smooth younger ones with the "look".
Oh, the "my career path is to be a JW Broadcasting superstar within 20 years, then move up to GB helper, then maybe I can get onto the GB at an age even younger than Sanderson was" look?
I'd bet you $1,000,000,000 he is "partaking" with that goal in mind.
i recently had this in a message from a jw, a lovely person, but mind controlled, he wrote " a life without hope is no life for me".. how should i respond to that ?
i am an atheist, but want to respond in as kindly a way as possible.. i was thinking along the lies of saying i got no comfort from what i knew to be false hope, but need to say it in a kindly way.. ideas please ?.
" A life without hope is no life for me".
What if that "hope" is demonstrably false and in fact impossible?
i hope this is in the right area.
i've been studying the 2520 days/years 607/587/586 debacle.
for a while now i have felt 1914 was wrong.
Reminds me of the conversation I had with a JW elder. He was telling me about all his study projects, trying to apply numerology (of course he didn't use that word) to try to figure out when the "end" would come. He went into great detail about this number of years counting from such and such date, and this implies that which, when you consider what Artaxerxes told his cupbearer, the "end" must come between November and January, now we just need to figure out the year....
I simply asked him "so how have your calculations panned out so far?"
I just got a dirty scowl and a change of topic.
a newspaper article quotes a jw as saying "every (letter) i put in the mailbox, i feel, 'ah, this could reach somebody.
'" the article also quotes her as saying "we are accomplishing even more now than we were door-to-door because this way everybody in the house gets a chance to pick up that letter and respond to it.
it just feels good.
as my wife has been reminded just 15 minutes can be counted per month now.
Actually there was a letter last year - you don't even need 15 minutes now!
If you had any time at all during the month - even, I guess, 30 seconds - you just tell the elders you were "active" during the month and they will write "active" on your publisher card.
This is one of the COVID adjustments, I imagine this "loving provision" will end once things approach normal. But then again maybe not, who knows?
Note, if you have an hour or more, you are still expected to file the "normal" report. And of course a "30 second publisher" wouldn't qualify as elder, MS, LDC volunteer, etc.
the thread about old timers got me thinking about trends i see with the watchtower.
i've changed my opinion about where the organization stands.
when i joined the religion in 1973 it was dynamic, even the small congregation i attended sent out three or four pioneers.
Unless it completely rebuilds itself the Watchtower will die of boredom.
There must be massive, enormous cognitive dissonance among the very small minority of ambitious JW youth, the ones who full-on "believe the hype" and forego any education or training that would enable them to lead at least a somewhat reasonably good life, and instead jump onto the WT treadmill of "full time service" or even "special full time service".
WT articles & videos pointed toward youth constantly extol the "thrilling", "satisfying", "fulfilling", "meaningful" life that such "full time service" will bring.
But when 22 year old "Joe Zealous", who's been pioneering while working with Brother Goober's nighttime janitorial enterprise, reads or watches that message, he contrasts it with the absolute mind-numbing drudgery of spending hour after hour, day after day, week after week, year after year, walking around neighborhoods of houses he will never ever ever EVER be able to afford....
And then he sighs as he begins to write his 848th letter that has constituted the "lifesaving preaching work" in the past year+ since COVID hit and even the grinding slog of door to door and cart witnessing somehow seem more appealing now....
And then, he thinks about all his "colleagues" (not friends, oh no, can't have non-JW friends) who he went to high school with. He sees their Instagram posts and FB pages, and sees them either graduating from college, or getting an internship, starting out their life with virtually unlimited potential....
And then he thinks about Fred Dodderhead, the 80 year old elder who sold his house 10 years ago because "Armageddon was so close", and he was going to live off the proceeds while pioneering in the "short time remaining"....the same elder who now works as a Wal-Mart greeter because those savings ran out and his meager Social Security check doesn't even cover his Wonder Bread and Baloney budget anymore...the same elder who always looks so tired at the meetings....
And he thinks about the video from last month's CLAM showing highly attractive, smiling, joyous JW "youths" preaching on a beach in Tahiti or Bali or Madagascar and he thinks...."I'm not joyful like I should be....what's wrong with me?"
And the cycle continues....
it seems that some people just aren’t ready to put those masks aside even if they are fully vaccinated!
some can’t help but think their brains aren’t ready for “normal”..
we are nearly 18 months into this pandemic and lot has been learned and our behaviour modified to make things safer for us, e.g.
the wearing of face masks and social distancing.. many countries such as australia, new zealand, the uk and usa either have things under control or have vaccinated a large portion of the population.
therefore, given the very passive nature of the 'cart witnessing', i can't see why this hasn't be re-started.
If you don't mind saying, which country was this?
here from new scientist magazine: .
whale sharks gulp down air to float vertically while feeding.
life 12 may 2021by christa lesté-lasserre.
Small blessings: Since Awake as at least suspended publication, if not completely shut down, we are spared the otherwise inevitable "Watching the World" blurb about whale sharks gulping air and the "this must be how Jonah survived" conclusion, despite the notes mentioned earlier: (a) they are not physiologically able to swallow a human, (b) they don't roam in the Mediterranean, and (c) the 586 other reasons why "man living inside a fish for 3 days" is impossible.
Oh wait, I forgot the WT trump card: "Jehovah performed a miracle". Huh, I guess Jonah's story was literal history after all.