97% had done it
Statistically speaking, that means that 3% are liars.
as a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness youth...how dumb was i?.
97% had done it
Statistically speaking, that means that 3% are liars.
many that have come to this forum have left the jws religion and moved on with their lives but from a outsider's viewpoint what do think makes the jws religion wrong or incorrect as a active christian faith ?.
somethings come to mind such as its long continuous end times/armageddon soon doctrine which has really been a core doctrine for decades going right back to its beginning .. maybe they should have adopted the stance as other christian based faiths and adhered to jesus's own words when he said " no one knows of the time not even he ".
Good gravy, there's so much to choose from.
Just picking one at random, one thing that bugs me every time I read it in their "literature": The idea of "qualifying" for eternal life, and that such "qualification" is tied entirely to the degree of "obedience" one exhibits.
I'm certainly no Biblical scholar, but even a cursory uneducated reading of the new testament does not lead one to the conclusion that the promise of eternal life is something that one "qualifies" for based on "obedience".
i just received a hand written envelope through the post containing an invitation to the online 2021 convenient.
i'm in staffs in the uk .
jan .
For Jan
do you think he could get reinstated as president?
do you think trump will run again for president or do you think he will just be a force for the republican party behind the scenes?.
After his most recent (June 27th) attacks on two of his staunchest allies, (Barr and McConnell,)
Good lord, did you see the one from today (June 29)?
"Unhinged" doesn't even scratch the surface. Words fail me.
Suppose we'd better get used to it though. Imagine what he'll say once the indictments start.
i just received a hand written envelope through the post containing an invitation to the online 2021 convenient.
i'm in staffs in the uk .
jan .
It's the "convention invitation campaign".
The idea is that you, dear householder, will be so enthralled by the invitation that you will eagerly leap at the chance to watch old men with little to no charisma or public speaking ability blather on about topics tangentially related to the Bible. The hope is that you will reply to the invitation, and then they will send you a link to watch a streamed recording of those old men blathering (no in-person conventions in 2021, just as there were none in 2020).
Anywhere from 95 to 98% of the program will be incomprehensible gobbledy-gook to non-JWs, but hey, gotta get their "time" in.
It will save time and be less painful to just pound your forehead with a ball peen hammer.
it's pretty easy to see how current events would have any jw convinced the end is imminent, but i just don't see how there could be a major push for zealous service, pioneering, etc.
decades into the future.
even if (when) world events happen periodically that could scare the r&f, there are now countless hours of hd video of jw leaders saying how close the end is.
Religious zealotry and end-of-the-world-is-coming cults will be here 30 years from now, and 300 years from now. If not JWs, something else.
Such teachings fill a deep-seated primal human need. And those who recognize this and understand it will continue to make themselves very very wealthy by exploiting it.
can anyone remember the reasoning the watchtower gave for jesus speaking these words?
if you have a reference that would be even better!.
Here is the latest from the April 2021 Watchtower:
"Although we cannot be dogmatic, let us consider some possibilities."
Irony just died.
notice that i left off "benevolent" .
reason being is because i could argue that being all knowing and all powerful is not a prerequisite of being "good".
yet i'm a firm believer that "something didn't come from nothing".
Turning the question in its head a bit, I could get behind the idea of a benevolent deity that is NOT omniscient / omnipotent. Would fit a lot of religious experiences.
i live with my parents in law and yesterday, my mother in-law was very nervous about an email she got from the brothers in her congregation.
it was asking if she would be able to receive people over at our house should there be a catastrophe.
so, she asked me if i would agree with this.
The go-bag thing was a direct result of the Hurricane Katrina event in the us in 2005. Thousands of JWs were caught up in the mass evacuations out of Louisiana into nearby states, and elders lost track of many of them due to not having up to date contact info. Plus, without having time to take any supplies with them, JWs were forced to rely on "worldly" charities to survive.
This situation was absolutely horrifying to the Bethel bigwigs.
Not so much due to concern about the welfare of the affected JWs. Rather, it was the loss of control. If a New Orleans JW was relocated to Texas, what meetings would he attend? How would the elders spy on, er, shepherd, them? What if a relocated JW discovers "hey, these 'worldly charities' are not foaming-at-the-mouth devil worshippers"? What if he needs to go to a hospital - how would the local HLC be there to enforce the blood prohibition? What if a few dozen, or a few hundred, fence-sitting JWs used this an opportunity to "fade" from the organization?
Terrifying for Bethel to lose so much control.
So, since 2006 or so, "disaster preparedness" is now part of the WT platform. Each congregation must have a "disaster plan". Each publisher must supply contact information to the elders and update it if anything changes. "Go bags" to reduce dependency on "worldly" institutions are now strongly encouraged. Videos on hurricanes, floods, earthquakes, etc. affecting JWs are now part of the regular rotation. There are meeting parts, at least annually, reminding everyone of all of this.
Of course, being prepared for disasters is a good thing.
The issue is the motivation for pushing it. WT's track record over many many many decades is utter disdain, even contempt, for the rank & file. So now suddenly they want everyone to "be prepared"?
Why? Which reason fits better: They suddenly have become altruistic and are solely concerned about the welfare of their adherents, OR they haven't changed one iota and are primarily concerned that lots of JWs could "slip through their fingers"?
honda vfr 750.
30+ years ago, German autobahn. Rented a little Mercedes 4-cylinder, if pointing downhill it could reach 200 KMH.
Weird how your senses heighten at that speed. Got to look wayyyy down the road to anticipate potential issues.