The music was terrible.....'Laaaaaaaaaaazarussssssss lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping.....'
A long time ago in a Kingdom Hall far far away....
Remember when many if not most Kingdom Halls had pianos in them? Someone would play the piano for the songs before & after each meeting.
For some long-forgotten reason, for a time in our Kingdom Hall, we had, not a piano, but an honest-to-god organ.
Trouble was only one person in the congregation knew how to play it.
One night she wasn't at the meeting. What to do?
"Hey", some genius elder thought. "Let's get X, the teenaged kid who is taking piano lessons, to play the organ. A keyboard is a keyboard, right? What could go wrong?"
So, teenaged brother X started into it. The song of course was this one, "Laaaaaazarus lay sleeeeeeping...."
He got through maybe 3 or 4 stanzas before it turned into unrecognizable honking screeches.
Deep in that teenaged brain, he remembered what his piano instructor told him: "If you make a mistake, start over and do it right, from the beginning."
So, here's how it worked out:
"Laaaaaaazarus lay sleeee-" sour note. Stop.
"Laaaazarus lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeping, in -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaaazarus -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaa-" sour note. Stop.
This went for what seemed like 5 minutes. Evidently someone put a stop to the travesty, since I am not currently still sitting in that Kingdom Hall trying to sing to the screeching organ.
Not long after that, as I recall, we started using the vinyl records to provide the music to sing along to.