That was such a bizarre presentation.
He seemed to be stepping on eggshells, tip-toeing about so as to not give the whiff of a hint of a trace of possibly maybe making some wealthy JW feel bad for not donating - "it's all a personal decision".
In the next breath, he says that the poorest of the poor JWs should be contributing to the WTS. He didn't much care about them feeling guilty for not donating their last 12 cents to the WTS.
It was a muddled message, to say the least. "We need money. If you're wealthy, it's a personal decision, maybe think about donating, if it's not too inconvenient. If you're poor, give give give give give."
I get the impression that someone gives him a topic to develop and present but his addled brain can't form complete or coherent thoughts to communicate. Surely other people notice it as well, but who's going to give counsel to any GB member, let alone the surliest one?