Undoubtedly some self-important "attendant" (the only title he will ever hold) saw the need to remove the frivolous snowman which detracted from the dignity of the weighty spiritual banquet in progress.
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
Snowman at assembly hall
by road to nowhere ina few years ago i built a 6 inch snowman on a picnic table at the assembly hall.
just whimsy during lunch, no one was out in the cold.
i thought maybe some kids would get a little enjoyment.
Films of the decade - the 60s
by LoveUniHateExams indr no (1962).
from russia with love (1963).
the jungle book (1967).
How can any 60's list not include Dr. Strangelove?
Hang out with the other sex
by Renee86 incan we hang out with someone of the other sex even if the other has a boy- or girlfriend or is married?.
How YOU doin'?
Disfellowship-arrangement of JWs is not from God, but from uninspired writers.
by Abraham1 in1) jesus set the absolute standard on how to deal with the disagreeable or even with those becoming inimical in matthew/5/43-48.
there he said: ‘don’t behave like pagans who love/greet only those loving/greeting them.
but be like our heavenly father who loves everyone without differentiating whether one is friendly or inimical towards him.’ this is his eternal standard.
I always get a kick out of posts like this.
"No, no, no, that group of guys has interpreted the ramblings of iron age goatherds and shamans all wrong. I, however, an able to interpret those goatherder ramblings absolutely correctly. Everyone reading this should accept my goatherder-rambling-interpretation, and not their goatherder-rambling-interpretation."
The Watchtower—Study Edition | December 2021
by RULES & REGULATIONS instudy article 50. listen to the voice of the fine shepherd.
9 consider an experience that illustrates how jehovah can care for our material needs.
a couple in full-time service drove over an hour in their old car to pick up some sisters living at a refugee center and take them to a christian meeting.
The brother explained: “After the meeting, we invited the sisters for a meal, but then we realized that we had nothing to offer them.”
Sorry, I'm still stuck on this part.
I'm certainly not OCD or anything, but I pretty much have a good idea of whether I have food in my house, and more or less how much. All the time. I'd most certainly know it, and it would be front and center in my mind, if I had [none].
So, they invited the sisters for a meal but somehow forgot they had no food?
Let's see if that's a realistic experience....
"Sure. I'll drive you home from the doctor's office....[2 hours later] wait, I forgot I don't own a car."
"Sure, I'll take care of your cat for 2 weeks while you're on vacation....[after they've gone] wait, I forgot I'm allergic to cats."
"Sure, I'll go with you on your hike through the Grand Canyon....wait, I forgot I'm quadriplegic."
Apparently the WTS writers take us for idiots.
Sadly, most of their readers are.
2021 Annual Meeting Talk, "I Will Never Abandon You"
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthis 19 minute talk by “governing body” member samuel herd lacks enthusiasm, energy and mostly reads his script.
looks like he was forced to talk about something he no longer believes, but goes along what was written to appease the rest of the ''governing body.''.
mr. herd says, ''sometimes we have to make adjustments.
I find old JWs tend to double down on their beliefs
In public, of course. What are they going to do, get tossed out for "causing divisions" right when they need help the most?
Though there's no way to know for certain, I have to believe that many, in those quiet moments, when no one else is around, lying in bed & wondering "is tomorrow the day I don't wake up?".....that's when it hits.
2021 Annual Meeting Talk, "I Will Never Abandon You"
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthis 19 minute talk by “governing body” member samuel herd lacks enthusiasm, energy and mostly reads his script.
looks like he was forced to talk about something he no longer believes, but goes along what was written to appease the rest of the ''governing body.''.
mr. herd says, ''sometimes we have to make adjustments.
Old JWs like Herd make me sort of sad.
"Sad" because I suspect that many if not most look back on a life of wasted opportunity and wasted time. They were promised to be in paradise before they got their first wrinkle, their first job, their high school diploma. And now here they are dying of old age, and not even a hint of Armageddon in sight.
"Sort of" because it's hard to feel much pity for someone who is suffering due to their own poor choices in life.
2/2022 WT: a repeated request & more doubletalk
by neat blue dog inwe all know the now famous quote, "all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.
" well, this point is regurgitated in the latest wt, along with yet another new bunker scene:.
"during the great tribulation, we may receive instructions that seem strange, impractical, or illogical .
Deleted - never mind
by justice34 ini'm dealing right now with veru extreme situations that most of us have been in this sect.. i've talk to the elders because i was smoking cigarettes and i stopped for a couple of weeks.
the reason i did that because mamy things are going on right now in my life.
i'm out, i don't attend meetings i don't want to do anything with them anymore but i live in a small community so i want to go out without giving attention to anybody.. the reason i told them what i'm doing because my wife is still one of them and other people learn of some other things i have been doing and i had to tell something for obvious reasons.. the elsers tho the haven't answer to me back in 2 weeks almost and today one of them called me to give me some information.
I don't want to get disfellowship
Voluntarily confessing to a couple of elders that you are smoking seems to be incompatible with that desire.
That said, the cat's out of the bag now.
Your only hope would be to convince them that you are "truly repentant". This would involve lots of crying, appearing to utterly gutted about your "damaged relationship with Jehovah", expressing a strong revulsion to smoking and vowing to never do it again, and generally sniveling like a puppy caught with a half-eaten sausage in its mouth.
You mentioned you haven't attended meetings in a long time, so your act would have to be Oscar-worthy.
Good luck, sounds like you will need it.
Is the preaching work Jesus taught being diluted during the pandemic?
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe real preaching work:.
2 timothy 4:2. preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching.. matthew 10:8.
“heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons.
Re-revised NWT, 2022 edition:
2 Timothy 4:2
"Preach the word; be ready in season and out of season, unless, of course, breaking data protection laws would lead to the Watchtower Organization being penalized and heavily fined. There is nothing more holy than money belonging the Watchtower Organization, and making sure none of it is lost to any [Satanic] human government is by far the higher priority. But hey, you know, if preaching the word lands a few, or a few hundred, of our adherents in prison, well hey, whatcha gonna do? Them's the breaks. Keep warm and well-fed brothers, the governing body loves you all very much."