I haven't yet seen the AGM videos, but it seems very odd timing to present a message of "Armageddon ain't coming very soon now after all".
JWs are all hepped up with the COVID pandemic. A lot ( A LOT) of JWs have been convinced that the pandemic will lead directly into the "great tribulation".
Attendance at meetings (via Zoom) is easier than ever, and "record numbers" are attending (granted, with cameras off and not paying attention, but still, it looks impressive). There is a peak of pioneers now (of course, there is no 'hour requirement' so again, it's easier than ever, but still, it looks impressive).
I.e., things "look impressive" to the naked eye, but it's essentially a façade.
What happens when life returns to "normal", which is likely on the horizon? Meetings now in person at the KH, rather than Zoom. Field service at actual doors, not chatting with your friends on Zoom in your bathrobe. Actual hour requirements for pioneers, not "just do what you can".
It's a shock to the system. JWs, after what will be 2+ years of "Zoom life", suddenly get a harsh reminder of the JW "hamster wheel" - the weekly grind of dress up, travel to the meetings, sit and listen to boring talks, travel home....dress up, travel to meeting for field service, trudge door to door, travel home.....wash, rinse repeat...next week....and the next week....and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...and the next week...
Add to that now Morris' thoughts that "oh we're not really so close to the GT after all".
The prospect of years....decades....many decades....of trudge, trudge, trudge.....Armageddon isn't coming soon to rescue us.....after 2+ years of no in person meetings, assemblies, conventions, no door to door....
It's nuts. Why give this message now? Why not just keep presenting the "last seconds of the last minutes of the last days" message? It seems like it would be the only way to keep a modicum of enthusiasm when "Zoom life" ends.