“Kingdom Ministry School” is one day, held every year or 2, all elders are invited.
”School for Congregation Elders” is 5 days, typically an elder is invited once every 5 years (they only do a subset of elders in each school)
2022-12-19--vaccination requirement.. .
click image to enlarge.. .
https://postimg.cc/xxvbcwdv .
“Kingdom Ministry School” is one day, held every year or 2, all elders are invited.
”School for Congregation Elders” is 5 days, typically an elder is invited once every 5 years (they only do a subset of elders in each school)
the watchtower—study edition | january 2023. study article 3. jehovah is helping you to succeed.
how jehovah makes you successful.
13. does jehovah intervene in every situation we face?
“Jehovah gave us exactly what we needed”
I dunno, if my son were dying of cancer, I think “exactly what I need” would be more along the lines of “a cure” moreso than “Joe Palooka hangin’ out in the waiting room”.
I think you can draw a direct correlation line between “how worthy is this divine being of worship” and “how feeble are the excuses given by his adherents for his inaction”.
so, just posted on jw.borg:.
as of march 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.. elders will review the activity of all pioneers in june 2023. if it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.. what’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target?
that’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall .
So, just posted on JW.borg:
As of March 2023, the hour requirement for pioneers, which was suspended during the pandemic, will once again be enforced.
Elders will review the activity of all pioneers in June 2023. If it appears that any do not have a “practical schedule” (aren’t getting at least close to 70 hours per month”), elders are to “kindly and frankly discuss their circumstances”.
What’s that sound that seems like a torpedo plane diving on its target? That’s the sound of the number of regular pioneers in complete free fall
maybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.. funny i thought jehoober would not need any help.. anyway here are the links.
jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke staten – vårt land (vl.no).
LOL, yeah, it’s even more craven than “we want free money”; instead, it is “we will fight until our dying breath to maintain our ability to blackmail you (via threat of shunning and alienation of affection) into submission to us”.
maybe society's own lawyers are so bad that they need to hire top notch lawyer's.. funny i thought jehoober would not need any help.. anyway here are the links.
jehovas vitner mistet statsstøtten – vil saksøke staten – vårt land (vl.no).
So if I’m following this correctly, correct me if I’m wrong, but…
The WTS will be spending untold thousands or 10s of thousands of dollars (or the equivalent in krone) to try to coerce a government, that per their own teaching is under Satan’s control, into giving them free money?
Do I have that right?
Hoo boy, that takes a lot of of….something….to spin that into “oh how we are being persecuted”.
february 2023 study watchtower: .
p. 16, par.
5 - ”when we base our discussions on material published by jehovah’s organization, (not the bible!
Lol at that picture + description.
Anyone remember “Highlights” magazine? Maybe I’m dating myself. I always read it when I was a little kid waiting for my turn at the dentist’s office.
That picture & description is exactly a “Goofus and Gallant” cartoon from “Highlights”.
Just when you think they can’t dumb down the message any lower….
so i grew up as a witness but i’m no longer active, i have some family that still practices very seriously.
but i don’t want to ask them my question.
but what does the bible and teaching’s of jw’s say about early hominids?
Like why not just say “oops we were wrong” and keep preaching what they think is right
LOL. You have been away for along time.
The GB admit they were wrong?
It’s like asking someone standing on the South Pole, “now take one step to the south”. Just can’t be done,
Likewise, the GB is absolutely completely unable to ever admit to a specific mistake. They can’t do it.
They’ve gotten literally everything but the most trivial details completely, spectacularly wrong for 140+ years but the most they can cop to is a vague “we’re not infallible”. They are not physically capable of admitting error on a specific doctrine or policy.
youtuber millstone research has done a video on the fact that the may 2015 monthly broadcast is no longer on jw org.. https://www.jw.org/en/library/videos/#en/categories/studiomonthlyprograms.
the broadcast was presented by lett who mentions he had the backing of the other gb members regarding his comments.. the broadcast is basically about soliciting jws for funds as well as other 'valuable things' for the organisation.
this is the one where he claims that the money flowing out was more than the money flowing in.
It continues to astonish me (well maybe by now it shouldn’t) how utterly bone-brained they can be.
Anyone with the intelligence that God gave gravel understands that anything posted on the internet is there forever. Merely deleting something from your own site, especially something controversial, is the electronic version of standing on your rooftop waving your arms and yelling “Hey, everybody, look at me! I’m not standing on my rooftop waving my arms and yelling!”
for those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
This is also another fine example of
The FFGhost golden rule of Biblical Eisgesis for fundamentalist religions
”Any Biblical text which supports my preferred doctrinal understanding is to be understood as literal; any Biblical text which contradicts my preferred doctrinal understanding is to be understood as symbolic”
To be fair, JWs are only one of hundreds of religions which apply this rule.
for those of you not up to speed on the latest jw trends, one of the key scriptures the jws are using in field serve-us lately is job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.. this text is used to indicate the bible’s “reliability”.
the reasoning goes something like this:.
“see, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense.
For those of you not up to speed on the latest JW trends, one of the key scriptures the JWs are using in field serve-us lately is Job 26:7, wherein the writer describes the earth as “hanging upon nothing”.
This text is used to indicate the Bible’s “reliability”. The reasoning goes something like this:
“See, centuries ago, people thought the world was flat, or was resting on elephants or turtles, or some such nonsense. But the writer of Job had it right all along, centuries before anyone else had figured it out! Ipso Facto, because the Bible got this detail right, everything it says is absolute truth.”
It’s a big deal in JW circles now. It is the “suggested conversation” for use in making return visits, there’s videos on how to use it, it’s in the meeting workbook. Scarcely a week goes by without a reference to using this scripture in field serve-us.
Aside from the numerous logical fallacies contained in this line of “reasoning”, something was bugging me about the use of this scripture in trying to justify the Bible’s “accuracy when it touches on scientific matters”. I finally figured out what was bothering me.
The Bible contains dozens of other descriptions of the earth which don’t indicate “accuracy”. But if you point this out to JWs, they’ll counter with “oh those are just poetic or symbolic references, not meant to be taken literally”.
Well, why? To wit:
The earth has “pillars”:
Job 9:6 “oh that’s poetic”
Psalm 75:3 “poetic”
The earth has “corners”:
Isaiah 11:12 “oh that’s symbolic”
Acts 10:11 “symbolic”
Revelation 7:1 “symbolic”
Revelation 20:8 “symbolic” says the JW
The earth has a “foundation” like a building:
Isaiah 48:13 “oh that’s just symbolic and poetic”
Isaiah 51:13 “symbolic”
Isaiah 51:16 “symbolic”
Ezekiel 13:14 “symbolic”
Zechariah 12:1 “oh, hey, symbolic”
And so on, you could cite dozens more examples….all “symbolic” or “poetic”.
But now, Job 26:7 “Yes,see? This is a hyper-literal scientific statement describing the orbit of a spherical earth wherein the effect of the sun’s gravity makes it appear, to an observer hundred of thousands or millions of miles away, to be hanging on nothing.”
Is it just me, or is this a little, I don’t know, what’s the word…inconsistent?
”Yes, the Bible’s descriptions of the earth should be taken symbolically 99% of the time, except for this one obscure reference that kind of sounds like something vaguely accurate. That one instance is proof of the Bible’s reliability.”
Example #8,478 of how JW “reasoning” falls apart after just a few minutes of thought.