statistics about how many people die and are born each day. “-Is it reasonable for us to say that Jehovah and Jesus immediately label those of goats even though they have not had a full opportunity to respond? Is it possible those may be resurrected as righteous persons? An upcoming watchtower will give us all the details on this.
This is exactly the point that “apostates” have been making for decades.
Each day that Armageddon delays, there are 100s of thousands more newborn infants who would have to be “lovingly” slaughtered by Jesus and his 144,000 horsemen.
Unless, somehow, Jehovah determines that such an action wouldn’t be “loving” after all.
But then, it is completely inconsistent to spare an infant who has “not had the opportunity to know Jehovah” but yet slaughter a child, a teen, or even an adult who has had literally 0 contact with any JW in their “ministry”.
To be consistent, Jehovah would have to “read hearts” at Armageddon, sparing those who had a “good heart”.
But what if someone with a “good heart” had a bad day when the JWs happened to pop around, and he didn’t listen? He would have been better off not getting a witness at all, and just depending on Jehovah’s mercy, right?
But that being the case, isn’t it safer, even more loving, to not give a witness at all? Just let Jehovah read everyone’s heart?
So what’s the point in giving a witness at all then?
These bozos are really floundering. They are just completely clueless about what they teach, and why.
What an absolute mess.
At least in the old days, the message was coherent. It was spectacularly wrong, based on wild speculation and outright guesses using out of context scriptures, but at least it was internally consistent and occasionally entertaining.
Now though, we get the governing bumbleheads thrashing about, not even bothering to try to make it make sense.
Sometimes people on this forum make jokes about the gb suddenly grabbing suitcases full of cash and jetting off to the Cayman Islands. I laugh along with everyone else. But maybe that’s no so far fetched after all?