Oh I dunno, they had one about a singing literature cart on one of the early JW Borg-casts a few years back.
JoinedPosts by FFGhost
Life of a pioneer
by road to nowhere inthe song this week.
it has to be hands down the stupidest one ever.
A Generation Change Again???
by BereanThinker7 ini have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
A Generation Change Again???
by BereanThinker7 ini have heard a few whispers that once again they are going to be changing the generation teaching.
does anybody have on info on this?.
i would love to be able to hit my family with a. .
How Do You Think Election Votes Should Be Counted?
by minimus indo you think voters should be required to prove that they are legitimate?.
JWs getting into film production what could go wrong
by mickbobcat inso the cult is getting into film production.
i saw evans piece on the jws opening a studio in australia.
one thing i see is if they use the people who are drawn to acting one they will create internal stars.
“Do not gaze about!”
by slimboyfat inso many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
It would be one thing if anyone on the RNWT committee had any training in Biblical or Greek, or hell, any real (from a university) training in translation in general, and could justify their rewording.
But the RNWT is, as best as I can piece together, a bunch of guys reviewing Fred Franz's 75-80 year old notes from the original NWT, and then brainstorming what "sounds better" in modern English, with a preference toward phrasing that is "easy to translate".
So you end up with a translation based on notes from an older translation based on one guy's (maybe two guys if Gangas was involved) intermediate understanding of Biblical languages.
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What is the JW view on the vaccine rollout?
by MebyonKernow inout of morbid curiosity...what is the jehovah's witnesses current view about the vaccine rollout?is the watchtower society advocating the position to take the covid vaccine?
is it a personal 'conscience' matter?
how many jws are refusing the vaccine does anyone know?
They have sent out letters to be read to the congregations stating that the vaccines do not contain "blood fractions", and that deciding to take or not take the vaccine is up to each JW.
That's the "official" position. Individual JWs are as loony / unloony as any other individuals - some are quite vocal about their position as anti-vaxxers, others are pro-vaccine, etc.
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“Do not gaze about!”
by slimboyfat inso many changes in the 2013 nwt seem needless and spoil familiar phrases.
take isaiah 41:10 in the nwt classic rendering:.
do not be afraid, for i am with you.
The most egregious tampering, IMHO, was Micah 6:8.
Original NWT:
He has told you, O earthling man, what is good. And what is Jehovah asking back from you but to exercise justice and to love kindness and to be modest in walking with your God?
Revised NWT:
He has told you, O man, what is good.
And what is Jehovah requiring of you?
Only to exercise justice, to cherish loyalty,And to walk in modesty with your God!
Just absolutely butchered. What a beautiful thought, to "love kindness". And now it is rendered as "cherish loyalty" which as you can imagine, they have already used repeatedly to underline their core message of "OBEY US or die".
Even the exclamation point at the end irks me. "I'm sure the original Hebrew writer would have put an exclamation point in there, if he would have been writing a thousand years in the future when they actually, you know, existed."
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The Bible speaks of the "Unforgivable Sin" ? What is it ?
by smiddy3 indo any jehovah`s witnesses or ex jehovah`s witnesses even know what that sin is ?.
why is such a statement in the bible if its not identified what that sin is ?.
were the authors of the book just playing with peoples heads ?
Watch out, here comes the Governing Body!
by neat blue dog ina picture in this week's wt shows the annointed after being raised to heaven, when they start "smashing the nations".
i imagine am3 is out front, it seems like something he's eager for.
Whenever Morris talks about his hoped-future future wherein he gets to smash and kill as a heavenly being, there is a gleam in his eye and a lilt to his voice that is really disturbing. He clearly anticipates with glee the opportunity to kill his perceived enemies.
What's also disturbing is that he served as a medic in the Vietnam war. He has seen first-hand the effects of warfare on human bodies, and rather than being horrified he seems to relish the idea of being able to inflict such carnage himself.
I believe the medical term for someone like that is "one sick f*ck".
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