Yes, on zoom, and each family provides their own emblems.
At least 80% of the JWs I know will eat & drink them within seconds of their zoom cameras going dark.
Somehow, the bread and wine are only "holy", somehow it only really "counts", if you eat the bread & drink the the exact "right time".
If you eat & drink at 7:45 PM (during the meeting) then you'd better be "anointed" or you will be "partaking unworthily" and Jehovah will smite you.
If you eat/drink the identical items at 8:15 (after the meeting), though, hey, just a nice little snack.
And don't get me started on the sheer absurdity that each family will go through to appear to be "passing the emblems" to each other.
The goofiness of the whole thing is just incomprehensible to anyone who's never been a JW.