If you are in the US, keep in mind that each state's DPA has slightly different language.
Also, keep in mind that the "official" cards are kept locked away, typically only a congregation secretary would have access to them.
i am in need of the current copy of the newest dpa blood card as some of the jw's in my mothers congregation are asking about if she signed the latest copy after she passed today.
i am curious as to why they are asking about this specifically and not offering condolences on the loss of my mother.
there has been some shady interactions leading to my mother requesting me to talk to certain elders to request that certain people not interact with her further.
If you are in the US, keep in mind that each state's DPA has slightly different language.
Also, keep in mind that the "official" cards are kept locked away, typically only a congregation secretary would have access to them.
something i've noticed is that marriage was the thing for those born before 2010. but today's culture of divorce laws slanted to favor women has forced men to think carefully before signing the marriage certificate.
most of my friends have no intentions of getting married.
all of them have gotten vasectomies, so there is no chance of being blamed for a pregnancy.
if I was worth £1 million and got divorced, my ex-wife could get £500,000. That would be one high-class escort
I dunno, if your wife were worth 1 million, you'd get 500,000.
What would that make you?
i can't believe william shatner is 90 years old but doesn't look like other 90 year olds that i've met.
is it genetic?
is it lifestyle.
There's been some serious, serious surgery, I would say.
Of course, given the way that many look after such surgery(ies), he does look well. He'd make a mint advertising for whoever did the work on himself.
for lurkers, this past week's wt study.
women, obedient to headship.
wt message to wt ladies: do like abigail, ignore your husband's initiative, who might have had his own strategy to rid the country of the marauding outlaws for good, and instead kowtow to "the anointed" aka us, the gb and elders.
Quite a demotion for poor old Jesus...busted all the way down to "submissive woman".
i overheard mrs eyeslice listening to '2021 governing body update 3' yesterday.
apparently, they have started ditching foreign language groups and congregations as these weren't exactly roping anyone in.
of course there is a positive spin on all this - '4,000 plus elders freed up to serve in local language congregations' and of course there has been immensely positive feedback from various branches about the benefits of this.. i suspect though there will be an awful lot of elders who were serving as king pins in these congregations who are going to have their noses put out by going back to local language congregations where they will barely be used.
Organizational changes such as these are always driven by one or several of the following reasons:
-- Protection of organization assets
-- Protection of organizational prestige
-- Maintenance or extension of power over adherents
I don't see how closing down foreign language congregations / groups would help with the first 2 items on the list.
So it must be item 3 - maintenance of control.
That seems to fit - I recall hearing a discussion not long ago of "concern" by some elders about young JWs joining foreign language groups because it was the "in" thing to do. They were doing it because it made them (the JW kids) look good in the eyes of their peers ("yeah, look at me, I'm so spiritual, I'm pioneering in the Mandarin group") but they weren't really "putting in the work". They didn't catch onto the language quickly, or at all, and outside of 4 hours a week at the Kingdom Hall, never spoke or even tried to learn the language. Plus it was "easy field service" - go to one address where someone speaks the language, then drive half an hour to the next address, then another half-hour drive to someone's return visit....you could spend 4, 5, 6 hours a day "in service" and never have to "give a witness".
If it bugged the elders I was listening to, they certainly would have voiced their "concerns" to the CO, who would then report back to the branch. If the branch offices were getting dozens or hundreds of those reports, well, that explains it. Can't have the kids (or other publishers) getting "easy time" and mentally checking out at meetings - they should be miserable just like everyone else.
in a recent turn of events, i found myself at a jw social gathering on zoom (supporting my pimi wife, while among mostly jws whom i don't know and a handful of old friends who don't know i'm inactive) that just so happened to also be joined by garrett losche and his wife.
sorry to disappoint but i had absolutely no interaction with him and have nothing interesting to report about it.
i'm just sharing this because i can't believe i even got that close to maybe chatting with him, despite being a closeted apostate.. there were about 300 people in the zoom meeting, all having been directly invited.
Did he give a talk to the group? Or was it strictly a social meeting?
well guess what!
they are using whiteboard animations!😳.
What about the cartoons?
Boring. Too preachy. Too idealized.
I still, even after years, can't figure out what kind of accent Caleb's father has. Kind of sounds like an American pretending to be a Cuban who is trying to imitate Bela Lugosi.
i have been in several congregations over the years.
the hypocrisy was staggering.
so many of these idiots were fake jws.some were strict followers and were as annoying as could be.
I've "been around a while", raised as a JW in a previous century
There were dozens of JW kids in my congregation and neighboring congregations, within a few years of my age, attending school around the same time.
With just a few exceptions, most of the "good kids" left "the truth" within a few years of graduating high school, while a higher percentage of the "double-lifers" ended up sticking around, some even progressing up the chain of "organizational privileges".
Indeed, hypocrisy abounds within the JW congregations. Hypocrisy is not really objectively measurable, but if it were, I suspect the ratio of it within the JW Org would exceed that of the general population.
well guess what!
they are using whiteboard animations!😳.
I dunno, those whiteboard animations are the closest thing to "entertaining" that they produce.
How's that for "damning with faint praise"?
most of my friends have gotten the vaccines and are quite confident that it’s just what the doctor ordered.
i’m not confident with dr. fauci.
i don’t like the fact that the makers of the vaccines are not held responsible if someone taking the vac develops an illness or even death.
the level of hysteria going on here.
Here? This site is merely a microcosm. Multiply it by 60 million or so and you get an idea of the level of hysteria in the whole nation.