How about automatic reinstatement every 7 years after being DF'ed?
Imagine if, say, year 7 ended up being much fun would naughty JWs have in 2027?
someone else posted a tid bit if this weeks meeting...but here's my favorite part... .
so...deuteronomy...jehovah cares for the poor...those with no inheritance get help...debts are forgiven...and then!.
deuteronomy 15:12-14:.
How about automatic reinstatement every 7 years after being DF'ed?
Imagine if, say, year 7 ended up being much fun would naughty JWs have in 2027?
when i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
The music was terrible.....'Laaaaaaaaaaazarussssssss lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping.....'
A long time ago in a Kingdom Hall far far away....
Remember when many if not most Kingdom Halls had pianos in them? Someone would play the piano for the songs before & after each meeting.
For some long-forgotten reason, for a time in our Kingdom Hall, we had, not a piano, but an honest-to-god organ.
Trouble was only one person in the congregation knew how to play it.
One night she wasn't at the meeting. What to do?
"Hey", some genius elder thought. "Let's get X, the teenaged kid who is taking piano lessons, to play the organ. A keyboard is a keyboard, right? What could go wrong?"
So, teenaged brother X started into it. The song of course was this one, "Laaaaaazarus lay sleeeeeeping...."
He got through maybe 3 or 4 stanzas before it turned into unrecognizable honking screeches.
Deep in that teenaged brain, he remembered what his piano instructor told him: "If you make a mistake, start over and do it right, from the beginning."
So, here's how it worked out:
"Laaaaaaazarus lay sleeee-" sour note. Stop.
"Laaaazarus lay sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeping, in -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaaazarus -" Sour note. Stop.
"Laaaaa-" sour note. Stop.
This went for what seemed like 5 minutes. Evidently someone put a stop to the travesty, since I am not currently still sitting in that Kingdom Hall trying to sing to the screeching organ.
Not long after that, as I recall, we started using the vinyl records to provide the music to sing along to.
when i was younger we had song books and i recall that some of the songs were pretty catchy.
then they revised it took some of those songs out, and added more.
i have to admit some songs were pretty good.
For the old-timers, one of my favorite Farkel threads:
Their “songs of praise” suck worse than any other songs in the entire universe. Even the songs of cats tearing each other’s eyes out while in heat are more melodious (and have better lyrics for that matter) than dub songs.
Why would Jehovah God, the Sovereign of the Universe, hand-pick as his ONE AND ONLY true and righteous organization, a group that writes the WORST melodies and the WORST lyrics possible: melodies that are designed to either bring on a screaming migraine headache, or if one is lucky, lull one to sink into a deep coma? Well, WOULD He?
This pretty much says it all.
so, i was going through some consolation magazines of 1939, and found this absolute prediction by rutherford:.
only 8 years later .....
suppose we were naïve observers, given the following data, and asked to draw a conclusion.
we see people gather at a busy bus stop several times a day.
at first one person, then another, and another, until they form a group.
then they test the hypothesis and soon find out it fails when busses stop even when no people are there. every bus I've ever ridden, if there is no one waiting at the stop, the bus doesn't stop.
Why would a bus pull over and stop when there is no one there?
Now let's add in the complication of people requesting to exit the bus when someone signals from inside the bus....
so the occupation of afghanistan is coming to an end and, as predicted, they achieved absolutely nothing in that 20 years apart from:.
the death of 2,300+ service personnel and tens of thousands more seriously maimed or injured.. handing $billions or even $trillions of taxpayer dollars to defence contractors (so the military industrial complex wins, even if the military doesn't have a clear victory).. has this lengthy but short-term military occupation really changed anything in the country?
it doesn't appear so.. i said at the time that the us wouldn't have the staying power to enact real change.
Sadly true.
"The graveyard of empires".
i’m seeing my hard core believing relatives slowly losing faith that the watchtower is the organization that “god” is using to represent him on earth.. just about all the churches in their area have opened up.. but not the watchtower.. this is having an affect on the faith of even the old timers.
now the only ones who are still holding the faith are the female jws and only those past 70 years of age.
even my old male jw relative past 70 are starting to say that it can’t be jehovah’s organization because the other churches are all open and god supposed organization who is supposed to preach the warning message is still closed with no open in sight.
My best guess is Zoom for the "midweek" meetings and "in person" on the weekends.
It's going to be a bear for them to try to get the R&F motivated to get back to door to door though. It's well over a year since it's been done and I'd bet it wouldn't start up again for at least another year.
After 2-3 years of writing letters in your pajamas on Saturday morning, how are they going to get folks to wake up early, get dressed, travel to the KH, walk around in extreme heat or cold, and knock on the doors of houses that are 90% empty?
There will always be the zealots and the ones who will grudgingly do so out of fear of losing their meager "privileges", but for Joe & Suzy Average Publisher, who have no such incentive? It's going to be harder than they (the GB) can imagine.
despite the wt's and young earth creationists' teachings against human evolution (namely macroevolution from non-humans) being a reality, the evidence of human evolution keeps getting stronger and stronger.. consider for example two science news articles and one other science article, each pertaining to the fossil that is nicknamed "little foot".
below are links to three science articles, listed in order of the articles from oldest to newest (except i don't see a date for one of the articles).
I know!
OK, so Jehovah can miraculously "change the instinct of animals" so they can go marching up into a big wooden box....
So why not just "miraculously" kill all the evildoing men & Nephilim & leave the poor animals in peace?
Why did 99.9999% of all animal life have to die, if Jehovah can casually perform such miracles as "get animals to march into a box"?
That's the kind of question that can get you disfellowshipped, of course.
are you ready for the delta variant task force, funded by bill gates to come to your home?
after mass censorship and in some cases arrests ( australia ) for speaking out against lockdowns, or the dangers of untested medical procedures, we now have morons who want to send people to your home, to remove infected family members.... how will you know you’re infected??
a pcr test cranked up to detect anything of course!
That's the point - I don't want to live in ignorance!
Clearly a North American watching OANN / Newsmax / Fox / etc. knows far more about abused Europeans than, say, for example, someone actually living in Europe would know. It only stands to reason.
I am ignorant of how I'm being abused - help me out! Educate me! Tell me what they're doing to me!
Oh - it would also be helpful if you told me who exactly "they" are - these folks who are abusing me.
first thing comes to mind is that this organization through its leaders are not witnessing the true and honest version of the gospel teachings of jesus christ .. they are subjectively teaching/preaching a tainted version made up by the top controlling men of the organization, which i'm sure is connected to the proliferation and distribution of literature which these men publish themselves.
when jesus said that no one knows of the time not even he, he didn't say a select few will know .. the other thing that bothers me is this organization promotes human ignorance on many levels, admonishing education or knowledge that mankind needs for its very survival... there are many other religious organizations that do this as well but the jws is just one of these organizations.
Because of them, I HATE SHASTA.
Yeah, but don't you sometimes put your orange juice in the freezer for a couple of hours, then drink the slush? Just for old times sake?