Nah, it's one of those "real" requirements to determine who is "worthy" of "special privileges".
The WT "literature" says that to qualify to be an elder or MS you need to meet the requirements of 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1, but here are the "real" qualifications:
-- 10+ hours of field service reported per month
-- Note: Doesn't matter whether you actually do 10 hours - the only important thing is to report it
-- Also note: you should be "visible" in the ministry - at least occasionally support group arrangements.
-- Attendance at every meeting, including commenting
-- Not a problem for or an embarrassment to the congregation in general and the elders in particular
-- Your family meets or at least comes close to the above requirements
That's it. The requirements at 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 are so vague and unremarkable that virtually any JW male who can breathe with his mouth closed meets them. And of course qualities such as intelligence, kindness, generosity, empathy, reasonableness, etc. are not only irrelevant - they are practically disqualifying factors.