The full story:
”The Bible does not say”, but if you dare to breathe a word in contradiction to our suppositions, we’ll have 3 elders on you to disfellowship you for “causing divisions” so fast it will make your head swim.
the bible does not say—the weasel word phrase that bugs me the most.
note that though the wts says this, it then proceeds to add :.
after jesus’ birth, why did joseph and mary remain in bethlehem instead of returning home to nazareth?.
The full story:
”The Bible does not say”, but if you dare to breathe a word in contradiction to our suppositions, we’ll have 3 elders on you to disfellowship you for “causing divisions” so fast it will make your head swim.
ever since the annual meeting last october and the letter to bodies of elders stating that "exceptional young men perhaps in their early 20's could qualify for appointment as elders.." it even states this in the updated elders manual!
have any of you pimo's, pimq's, or those on here with family/friends still in hear of any young men being appointed as elders yet?
i am talking 21, 22, 23, 24 etc.
LOL ^ 100
It really shouldn’t be surprising that the gang whose members…
— have never had children * but write millions of words of “counsel” on how to raise children
— have never paid a bill (or missed a meal) in their life but write millions of words about “Jehovah will (somehow) provide”
— feel that women are not qualified to so much as carry a microphone (let alone teach a male) but write millions of words on how “Jehovah dignifies women”
….somehow also think that a kid just barely old enough to drive, who may not even need to shave more than twice a week, is “qualified” to give potentially life altering guidance to people old enough to be his great grandparents?
As I am wont to say…
* well, they did have one GB member who sired offspring, but of course they unceremoniously fired him a couple of months ago
a sister said the other day at the ministry group “”what is all this talk that the end is still some way off” she said she has been waiting for decades and she was told there is no way it would take this long.
some others said in an annoyed kind of way yes they would have made different decisions decades ago if they knew the end still would not have come by 2023.. how will the majority react in a few more decades time when the end still hasn’t come?.
why all that talk of sense of urgency decades ago?.
how will the majority react in a few more decades time when the end still hasn’t come?
Same way they react now: quiet resignation as they spin on the hamster wheel.
why all that talk of sense of urgency decades ago?
It’s their mind’s way of protecting itself. To admit that they were duped, perhaps for their entire lives, would cause such devastating depression, if not insanity, that they tell themselves (and any others near enough to hear) “it CAN’T be far off now”.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Jehovah God has never killed or had children killed.
Except for those really hungry bears at 2 Kings 2:23.
Oh yeah, and the flood.
And Sodom and Gomorrah.
And Achan’s family (“Daddy, what did you do? Daddy?….”)
Other than that, yeah, he’s let the majority of the kids alone.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
How could they possibly ever decide the best way to do this, they can’t exactly hope people wouldn’t notice that fat Tony hasn’t been on the broadcasts for a while.
That’s just it - he WAS on the broadcasts, very recently.
He gave the “governing body update” in late December, recorded just a few days prior to air time.
His annual meeting talk was included in the January JW broadcast.
A month later and whammo! No longer serving.
This was a bolt out of the blue. This was no gradual decline in health, no “I think I need to spend more time with family” situation. They’d never have recorded and broadcast him in December and January if they knew there was even a hint he might not stick around.
This was something really big, really sudden, and REALLY bad.
But your question is a good one - how could they possibly think this was the best, or even a good, way to handle it?
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Just thinking more about this announcement….
While they ostensibly give counsel against gossip in JW publications and talks, those at Bethel know how quick and pervasive it is. What’s the old joke - “what’s the progression of the quickest way to spread news? First the telegraph, then telephone, then television, then tell-a-Bethelite”.
They know - absolutely 100% without doubt know - that anyone older than 50 will remember the Ray Franz situation, and “everyone” knows Ray was a <gasp> apostate., and the identical thing has happened to Morris, and do you suppose he’s an apostate too?….will be the thought process.
They KNOW this will happen, they could have prevented it with even a slightly softer wording but they chose not to.
The more I think about it…he got caught doing something really bad and they can’t, or don’t want to, stop the gossip and assumptions that are sure to come.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
Whoa Nelly! Second time I’ve said that his week.
Naturally no reason is given, but the timing with the developments in Pennsylvania is certainly interesting.
This sort of thing just doesn’t happen. Certainly wouldn’t be a health issue - they kept Barber, Gangas etc. on the GB long past when they were mentally incapable of doing much more than keeping their eyelids open.
The last time a “no longer serving” announcement was made was in 1981, for Ray Franz. AMIII is almost certainly not an “apostate”, he doesn’t seem to have the intelligence or character to make a principled stand.
The terseness of the announcement makes me think it is disciplinary. And if so, it’s something far worse than “being caught on video buying $800 worth of scotch” since that happened many years ago and the video has been freely available since then.
I keep coming back to the Pennsylvania CSA thing. Can’t say for sure that’s it but boy it sure would explain things.
breaking news!
every jehovah’s witness elder in the 67 counties of pennsylvania are being given notice by state attorney's office to turn over any & all documents relating to child sex abuse cases!
watch attached video beginning at time-stamp particular attention to what is said after 103:00.this is wild!.
Whoa Nelly, that’s huge.
the Society told them ages ago not to hold any documents or notes related to such things
Except for the fact that every time a child abuser moves to a new congregation, his letter of introduction was supposed to include all the info his prior congregation had on his child abuse judicial case(s). The current elder manual basically says “call the service department before sending anything in writing” now, but for decades the policy was to just go ahead and send it.
Even current policy is, if there is any file on CSA in the congregation records, it must be marked “do not destroy” and kept indefinitely.
There has to be dozens if not hundreds (thousands?) of ticking time bombs in Pennsylvania congregation files, from this “do not destroy” congregation files and/or those letters of introduction from years past that are still hanging around.
Bad time to be an elder in Pennsylvania.
cooperate with christ’s representatives.
shortly before his death, jesus mentioned another way in which we can follow his leadership.
he said: “he that receives anyone i send receives me also.” (john 13:20) in fact, jesus spoke of his anointed representatives as his “brothers.” (matt.
The funny part is, Jesus tells exactly who his “brothers” are in a direct, clear quote in Matthew 12:50:
”For whoever does the will of my Father who is in heaven, that one is my brother and sister and mother.”
Nothing about “144,000” or “anointed ones” or “little flock”. It says “whoever”.
What’s that line the JWs like to trot out? “The Bible interprets itself”?
I guess it does, except when it doesn’t.
......well it was 50 years ago!!
meanwhile, millions of jw's sing diana ross' song, "i'm still waiting.".
w70 12/15 p. 758 par.
Did you happen to catch this month’s JW broadcast?
It was the edited version of the October 2022 annual meeting, with talks by gb guys and videos.
One of the talks was by The Most Boring Human On The Planet, Ken Cook. He was droning on about Revelation 11:18 and how God will “bring to ruin, those ruining the earth”.
Towards the end, he asks rhetorically, “so when can we expect this?”
After failed attempt at a dramatic pause, he made his usual limp attempt at enthusiasm by exclaiming “Soon! Yes! Very soon, God will blah blah blah (you know the rest)”.
I just thought it was hysterical - that tepid attempt at a dramatic pause and, then, in his best imitation of enthusiasm, he squeaks “Soon! Very soon!” as if it were the first time in recorded history that the WTS had used those words, instead of it being a repeat of their message for well over a literal century.
Idiots. The lot of the them.