A (slightly obsolete) oldie but goodie:
it's fairly evident to little old outsider me that the organisation has a class system, perhaps even a caste system.. from what i've read, there seems to not only be an official ranking system (m.s., elder, c.o.
) but an unofficial one.
has anyone ever sat down to figure out what the unofficial ranks are and how they affect the pecking order?
A (slightly obsolete) oldie but goodie:
the september watchtower has already been released and is being discussed over on reddit.
some highlights: .
1. more hitting the flock on total reliance and obedience to god's representatives on earth today, the f&ds (the governing body, of course).
Here’s what I can’t figure out….
OK, so “something came up” and they need to do an extensive rewrite of at least some of the information for the scheduled August WT.
It’s so extensive it may require an extra month, or even two months of writing, editing, rewriting, etc.
Meanwhile, work continues on the September WT and October WT. In fact, that content is finished before the rewrites of the August mag.
Why can’t they just take the September WT, swap out the date in the cover and footers, and name <what was the September WT> as <the new August WT>?
What is so special about “August”? Why not just switch up the order a bit so the rewritten articles get dumped into a WT with a later date?
The obvious apparent answer is “they want these rewritten articles to be studied in October, not earlier, not later, but exactly in October”.
But why? What possible difference could it make? WT articles are dull, bland, uninteresting and perfectly interchangeable. If a local KH were to decide to study, I don’t know, an article from March 2018 at this week’s meeting, anyone who didn’t have a copy of the current WT in front of them would have no idea.
There has to be a reason why THOSE articles HAVE TO be in the AUGUST WT, but I just can’t think of what it could be.
Any ideas out there?
from reddit ex jw, a user posted this material of a hypothetical new light on dissociated people......i'm posting it only for the record, nothing else is known.
it seems that the topic has been deleted either by the moderators or by the user himself.
understanding dissociation in light of the scriptures.
Yeah, that’s not from any “secret” or “recalled” Watchtower article.
There are literally dozens of clues indicating this was not written by any JW.
The most glaring is the reference to “Jehovah’s grace”. Anyone who has spent more than 15 minutes with a JW knows that JWs absolutely never ever ever EVER use the term “grace” in connection with God - too much like “Christendom”.
There are, as I mentioned, lots of other clues.
“Jesus asked the Twelve, you don’t want to leave too, do you?”
— not an exact quote
— WT writers never use contractions
— WT would never capitalize “Twelve”
”They are no longer considered part of Jehovah’s Witnesses”.
That’s just bad grammar. Say what you will about the Writing department, grammatically they are nowhere near that sloppy (granted, some of their sentences ARE quite tortured - but still, they are never near that bad).
Sorry, these paragraphs are just the deluded ramblings of a wishful apostate’s mind.
from the wt of october 1, 1921 p. 303:.
was made concerning the makfng of certain film to be exhibited.
Wow, did you watch the pyramid video?
Attention, all JW trolls, lurkers, and site monitors:
THAT is the kind of ludicrous horse puckey that the WTS was at least endorsing if not producing back 100+ years ago, when Jesus supposedly determined that THIS group, out of every organization on earth, was the one that most closely fit his idea of a “faithful and discreet slave”.
Just absolute bat-$hi+ bonkers, then (and now).
you read this correctly.
as i explained in an earlier post, i am a "ghostwriter" for the original resetter.
i'm a woman, a pimo regular pioneer working for my friend who was redsetter1 on reddit.
Oh, and in addition to my previous comments about how the reduced hour requirements lead to less activity and, hardly surprising, even less productivity….
There’s the whole “we just don’t know, Jehovah will do what is right” Hoo-ha regarding last minute repentance and those who have never received a witness (literally billions of people) during the great tribulation.
Tell me again, where is the incentive to preach and/or conduct more Bible studies, if that work on “this side” of the GT is essentially meaningless?
For all this talk about a “10 year plan”, all I see is evidence of bumbling decisions, thrashing about and throwing things out there to see what might work, in panicked reaction to circumstances.
you read this correctly.
as i explained in an earlier post, i am a "ghostwriter" for the original resetter.
i'm a woman, a pimo regular pioneer working for my friend who was redsetter1 on reddit.
LOL at “number of Bible studies is decreasing”
Reduce pioneer hours to literally 1/2 of what it was a generation (sorry) ago, reduce auxiliary pioneer hours to a quarter of the old amount, stop requiring any hour count at all from the other 90% of JWs…..thus removing virtually all incentive, however misguided it was, to actually, you know, do anything in field serve-us…
Garsh, who’d a thunk it?
In the words of the great philosopher Gomer Pyle:
“Surprise, surprise, surprise!”
I know the gibbering bobbleheads have someone to monitor this site as well as Reddit, so allow me to address them directly:
i think the gb needs to expand publishers' volunteer activities beyond door knocking.. gb has shifted away from door-knocking to more varied forms of witnessing and no longer counting time for publishers.
my prediction is that the gb will start encouraging jws to participate in broader community volunteer efforts: clean-up drives, food banks, senior citizen support, and other non-proselytizing activities.
this move could help them gain goodwill with government agencies and the public.. expanding volunteer activities could significantly shift how jws are perceived by the wider community.
It’s an interesting idea, especially since the new “check the box” monthly report doesn’t mention “preaching” explicitly but instead it says “any form of the ministry”.
On the other hand, aside from the change in the view of social interaction with “worldly” folks mentioned above, it’s particularly difficult to thread the “Jehovah is going to slaughter 8 billion plus people very soon now” needle with the “but until they are slaughtered, we ought to feed them soup” thread.
But who knows? They are definitely transitioning into [something] - maybe that something, many years from now, might be something more socially friendly.
there are no serious consequences for doubting the gb.
there are no consequences for going against the direction.
we can now celebrate anything.. what will happen if you take blood, celebrate xmas and birthdays ect?.
The largest change could be summed up by saying in the past it was upto what the elders thought about if they were repentant
now it’s what they say.
The more I think about not only what the new s-395 says, but the tone and the implications, the “reading between the lines” if you will…
I think that’s what the WTS has in mind. They appear to trying to make it so that being disfellowshipped almost never occurs.
The tone and wording of the form is just about the polar opposite of what the current procedure in the elder manual is.
The WTS is starting a transition into [something else]. They are rolling out these changes quickly, but with just enough restraint so as not to give “the vapors” to long-timers.
you heard me correct, this is not a joke, and it is not april fools day!
the asl portion of the governing body updated #2 (march 2024) has been released a bit early and someone caught it.
summary: .
Can someone clarify for me: Did the new announcement specify DF'ing as only lasting 90 days now?
It wasn’t in the video, but it is in the new “top secret” document for elders that is plastered all over the internet now (here, too, look for the thread by Atlantis).
It’s one of the biggest changes of all.
Old policy: if you are DF’ed, you must wait for an unspecified amount of time, typically at the barest of bare minimums 6 months, but in practice most often a year or longer. Then you, the DF’ed person, must write a groveling letter pleading to be readmítted. Some elders I know would routinely dismiss any “first letter” and make the DF write again, sometimes again and again, to “prove” the sincerity of their repentance.
Current policy: The elders of the committee chase after the DF person after only 3 months. They invite him to a meeting and determine if he can be readmitted right then and there. Nothing in writing needed at all.
The tone of the instructions (you can read it for yourself) is “in the vast majority of cases, if anyone is DF’ed, they should be readmitted after 3 months”.
It’s a seismic change.
is the change in jw dress policy a way to make the changes in df policy easier to accept?.
a way to devide?.
I don’t see much change in the df policy.
You don’t? Read the s-395 again.
Will a dfd still have to attend meetings for 6 months to be reinstated?
Absolutely not - read the s-395.
A summary of the most significant changes:
— multiple meetings with the “accused” are encouraged, even apparently expected, to try to “lead him to repentance”. In the past, the “accused” got exactly one meeting, one shot to convince the committee he was “repentant”. Fail to do so, certain DF.
— Elders “chase after” a DF person after only 3 months, checking to see if he can return. In the past, a return after 3 months was utterly scandalous. 6 months was the absolute bare minimum, typically only granted if the DF’ed person formerly had, or has current family members, of enormous importance. Waiting a year or longer was much more the norm.
— in the past, the DF’ed person had to write a formal letter, pleading for reinstatement and presenting a long list of how they were “repairing their relationship with Jehovah”. Now, elders chase after them, asking THEM if they want to return, every 3 months.
— Minors are virtually never going to be DF’ed anymore. If the parents have the “situation in hand” (an extraordinarily, and probably intentionally, vague term, almost to the point of meaninglessness), not only is the kid not DF’ed, there’s not even a judicial committee.
— Formerly, it was a prominent “virtue signal” for “exemplary” publishers and those with “privileges” to go out of their way to shun anyone DF’ed, particularly and specifically when other JWs were around. Now, such “privileged” folks are expected to publicly speak kind words to anyone DF’ed who shows up at a meeting, doing so repeatedly as the DF keeps coming.
It’s an enormous change, but (in my opinion) only a transitional phase. It’s as much as they could “get away with” springing on JWs all at once. More changes are coming (again, my opinion).
Sorry for derailing the thread, it just bugs me to see folks shrug and say “eh, it’s no big deal”. In the (previously) glacially slow to change world of JWs, it’s as big as it gets.
Answering the OP, I think it was very likely intended to “distract” the (few remaining) thinking JWs from considering how deep the other changes are.