WT has always explained that Babylon fell in 539 not 537 and that the 70 years did not start until after Gedaliah was assasinated also that Jews did not leave Babylon in 539 and it took time to get there and that the land lay desolate until the first Jew set foot on eretz Israel in 537– But that is all extrapolation. We do know, however, —because it is a historical fact—that Babylon fell in 539. Although I believe that WT extrapolation is correct, it cannot be proven. The pivotal date 539 though is fact and God’s word says land desolate 70 years.—That we know.
No this is not extrapolation but historical facts based on Ezra the historian who wrote Ezra and Chronicles. Babylon fell in 539 BCE but the Jews remained in exile after that event being released under the Cyrus Decree in 537 BCE. The land remained desolate for 70 years which was also the period of Exile so if we count back we come to 607 BCE for the beginning of the Exile and not 586 or 587 BCE.
Simply put, 539-70 is 609. Ball park, circa, around = 607 and 1914. 537 is not a “historical date” although 539 is.
539 BCE does not work for at that time the Jews were still in Exile and the land remained desolate until reoccupied by the Jewish Exiles. Further, 609 BCE was a non-event in respect of Jewish history so it cannot be used as a starting point for the 70 years.
scholar JW