I don't think this arrangement will work in all marriages
Most definately wouldn't in mine!
To each there own, but my idea of marriage is.....
One man, one woman. When I took that marriage vow, I vowed to be faithful......and he faithful to me. The problem that I have with multiple sexual partners is this.......I am not the kind of person that can just have "casual" sex. Never have been that way...well, okay, there was that one time with that one guy.....but that was many years ago. The thought of me having a "fling" with another man and my husband being okay with it just isn't what I want.
My life is very simple. Man/husband, woman/wife, children, home, dog (had to include the dog in there). I am not one of those women that gets "lost" in her marriage......I didn't give up my identity when I became Mrs. Gould. We are both our own people with different tastes and ideas, likes and dislikes. What we have is a sharing of two great worlds......I can't imagine bringing more people into that.
I guess my question is why be married if you are going to have an open marriage? I don't understand......but then agian, that lifestyle isn't for me.....so it really isn't for me to understand.