I found this information that I thought was great.
Basil: A wonderful patio bug repellent
Borage: Helps repel tomato worms. Bees love it-every garden needs a bunch of bees since they are nature's natural pollinators
Chives: Chase aphids from carrots and tomatoes
Dill: Plant near cabbage for growth and great taste, but keep it far away from carrots and tomatoes
Garlic: Repels Japanese Beetles and Aphids. Lettuce and parsnips benefit from being planted near a friendly garlic plant
Mint: Will send white cabbage moths flying, so plant near cabbages and tomatoes. Mint will take over a garden plot, though, if you do not keep in contained-not very neighborly
Oregano: and beans go hand-in-hand. Bees and butterflies love oregano.
Parsley: Plant near corn, tomatoes, and asparagus for good flavor and growth. Asparagus beetles run away from parsley.
Rosemary: is a good friend to carrots, cabbage and beans as it drives away all kinds of dreaded beetles and bugs
Sage: says "see ya later" to carrot flies and cabbage moths. Cucumbers and sage do not get along.
Summer Savory: Is excellent paired w/beans in the garden.
Thyme: Beloved by bees and butterflies. Thyme stimulates growth in a garden.