Spoletta, you make a valid point. Not every Muslim is sleeper who could be radicalized at any moment; I'm confident that most Muslims wouldn't want to live under Shari'ah law any more than you or I. The problem is that it wouldn't be necessary for the majority of Muslims to be radical for the goals of the radicals to be achieved. Most Muslims are good people, but Islam itself, as it exists to day, is a profoundly dangerous idealogy that is opposed to virtually every value that you would care to associate with the Western Enlightenment. I encourage you to read the Hadith and Sunnah if you have any doubts over the legitimacy of radical Muslim idealogy. ISIS, as abhorrant as they are, are actually 'better' Muslims than the moderates which you are defending insomuch as they truly observe the Shari'ah to the letter.
To all those who might be thinking of burning Qur'ans or mistreating Muslims in any way: please don't. You would be playing right into the radical's hands if you did. Radical Islam encourages Islamophobia precisely because alienated mainstream Muslims are easier to radicalize than those who feel at home in secular countries.
Don't hate the Muslims. Don't call them names. Instead, try to seduce them away from their beliefs. Tempt them with beer, pepperoni pizza and kinky sex. People turn to religion out of hopelessness and despair. They place their hopes in the afterlife when this life sucks. Show a Muslim that their paradise of wine, women and boys is right here on earth; there's no need to suck up to Allah.