Throughout the ages, BILLIONS of people have read the Bible, and failed to recognize that it was all leading to 8 men living in New York. They also missed the most obvious: THE BIBLE IS WRITTEN FOR JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES.
Yes, JW's are at the center of every prophetic utterance - didn't you know that?!
When I realized that they were saying that, I began to suspect that they were nutty narcisists and I was embarassed. Coinciding with that revelation, I also was told that the Christian Greek scriptures were written exclusively for the annointed (numbering about 12,000 at that time). I asked if I should bother reading it since I hoped to be of the Great Crowd. This seemed to stump my elders - no reply other than that they contained the gospel accounts which told me about Jesus.
I have seen nutty religions but JW's have the Gold Medal for crazy.