That photo is typical of the manipulation that WTC is famous for.
If you are still associated with WTC, and contemplating your future, study that photo carefully. It could be a snapshot of your own future - minus the paradise inset showing the Brother wearing an "UN-TUCKIT" shirt. For you sisters, the perfect 10 beside him still wears a dress even when working in the field. She is new to farming because she still invites all the cute little deer to eat everything in the garden - which they will do.
BTW - Armageddon better come quickly for the Brother in the photo. Otherwise, he will only get into the paradise by resurrection. WTC teaches that resurrected ones do not marry, so the attractive woman by his side helping him havest the fruit of his estate will not be his wife. If he dies prior to the end of the system like all other JWs who passed away, he will only have a platonic relationship with her.
BUT WAIT! Didn't the GB say a few years ago that it could not be said that resurrected ones will be single forever? They did - but dropped saying that after many expressed outrage. Namely, those who had remarried, and got a lemon for a mate.