James Foard is correct. I know because I have lived it. i will not say what my login gave me access to, so let’s just say that they don’t have enough confidence in the R&F to give them access to all the information they have online. And we are not just talking about old publications that many JWs had in their possession or had access to at the KH. WTC encouraged all the congs to destroy those years ago but they were simply relocated to the homes of the “faithful” who could not stomach pitching them into the rubbish pile. A diligent search will provide access to older publications if you know where to look.
What I am referring to is access to directives and info that is intended for heavies - COs, Branch Committee members, Service Dept, HLCs, and more.
More serious though is that this does not include the air-gapped CSA databases that Legal and Service have access to, which if aired, would surely bring the organization to its knees overnight. Don’t believe me? If you can live that way, then don’t and be blissfully ignorant. But know this, many honest and right-minded persons want those databases to be made public, or at least handed over to proper authorities - but WTC will die on the sword before that happens. They surely know that it would be the immediate end for them.