Kerry King - A former B’Lite (kicked to the curb) CO being taped while counseling a young brother admitted that they rejoined. He didn’t see it as a big deal.
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
The Watchtower Society's Registration With The United Nations REVISITED! [By Jamaican Winston Gillum]
by Golden4Altar inthe watchtower society's registration with the united nations revisited!
[by jamaican winston gillum].
this video makes a very factual, excellent presentation on the morally precarious position being placed upon all active jehovah's witnesses globally, because of the watchtower society's clandestine affiliation with the united nations as ngos, in the recent past.. please click here to see video:
by St George of England inso the wt society is going to contest the recent norway ruling.. jehovah’s witnesses to appeal unconstitutional ruling in norway (
their true colours are shown in the statement: "the decision to deregister jehovah’s witnesses denies us the financial aid and other benefits that the government provides to over 700 registered religious communities in the country.
additional consequences include losing the right to appoint and authorize ministers of jehovah’s witnesses as officiants for weddings.".
WTC is without question the most litigious organization on earth. They have made themselves a stench in government circles and a laughingstock among legitimate religions. While there was a time that they fought for freedom of speech and worship, that time has long passed.
Now they fight for money, and then money and later more money.
The Watchtower Society's Registration With The United Nations REVISITED! [By Jamaican Winston Gillum]
by Golden4Altar inthe watchtower society's registration with the united nations revisited!
[by jamaican winston gillum].
this video makes a very factual, excellent presentation on the morally precarious position being placed upon all active jehovah's witnesses globally, because of the watchtower society's clandestine affiliation with the united nations as ngos, in the recent past.. please click here to see video:
The video by Winston Gullem was well made and exactly on target using facts and indisputable logic.
The only thing missing was the recent admission by a former Bethelite - now CO- who confirms that WTC is once again an NGO of the UN.
The TWO new things to come this year for J.W Org !
by Phizzy inwhile having my first strong black coffee of the day, i was thinking about what may be to come next as the org.
rapidly goes mainstream, and this is what i came up with :.
1) they will introduce for sunday, the after meeting fellowship, a time for just chatting but with the added bonus of coffee and snacks.
My source tells me that disbanding HLCs is on the horizon. When? No date stated.
Norway Supreme Court Makes WTS Reinstate Disfellowshipped Member
by Golden4Altar inthe supreme court corrects a mistake.
massimo introvigne.
article source.
Truthfully WTC does not respect the higher authorities. They have never embraced ‘relative subjection’ even though they define it and profess to follow it.
Will New Rules Bring JWs Together or Pull Them Apart?
by doinmypart inthere's been a lot of discussion about the changes in the org.
you might think all this would shake things up, especially for the older or super dedicated jws.
but remember when gb decided all the khs and the bank accounts needed to be transferred/managed from the top?
Redsetter2 - My inside source actually said this coming Fall. I took it to mean October. We will see if they are correct. To date, they seem to have a handle on what is happening.
June 2024 WT: Don't talk about Anthony Morris
by neat blue dog inthe latest study edition mentions hypothetical scenarios of jws who are no longer serving at bethel or no longer elders, etc.
and says we shouldn't speculate, as defaming them could border on slander.. we could unintentionally defame someone by spreading negative information.
..... would it be proper to speculate on the reasons why these adjustments were made and to share that opinion with others?.
So NOW WTC is concerned about slander??!!
Olin Moyle is rolling over in his grave.
Beards vs. Shunning announcements
by slimboyfat induring lett’s announcement that beards are now allowed he elaborated at some length how brothers ought to feel and react to the change in policy.
he warned brothers not to resent not being able to grow beards earlier if they had wished to do so.
he also warned brothers who supported the old policy not to allow themselves to wonder what the point of doing so was now that it has changed.
"OMG! I just heard that if I stick with JWs, I can grow a beard !!!!!!!! I know where I'll be Sunday!"
The GB imagines that this sentiment will be echoed by all men with normal testosterone (maybe a few sisters also).
JW CHALLENGE 2024: Please post even ONE person who said that permission to grow a beard clinched their decision to return or stick with JWs.
At my hometown swimming pool, the 20 ft mens restroom ceiling was covered with wads of toilet tissue. It was the challenge of young kids to throw wads of wet TP to see it they could make them stick. That is what WTC is doing with their "You are free" changes. Some will stick but none will beautify the spiritual condition of the members.
Is AI going to change the world?
by Reasonfirst inhad lunch with a friend, whose a lecturer in the accounting dept.
of one of australia's best universities.
he told me he expects to lose his job at some point in the next 5 years, as the accounting dept, will disappear, as all accounting will be done by ai programs, so why teach it.. if his fears are correct, that means that any profession that involves the mind, may one day face the same future.
Then why do trading AI's still suck more than Alaskan mosquitos?
See for yourself. Toss $25,000 into an AI driven brokerage account and see how long it takes to turn it into $25.00.
Answer: Don't take a bathroom break because it won't be long.
I see lots of AI content and it is dribble.
On the other hand, when AI spends my bank account on floppy disks, I will be a believer.
When will the Watchtower Society be desolated?
by Hiddenservant indid you know that the answer is provided in the scriptures through the 70 weeks prophecy?.
daniel’s 70 weeks prophecy explained.. the 70 weeks were split into three parts.
here is the reason why.. the prophecy is not only about the messiah, it is also about god’s people and the holy city, as verse 24 makes clear.
Hiddenservant - Since WTC is once again a card-carrying NGO of the UN, how is it that they will be desolated by the UN, which does not devour it's own?