WTC considers the Bible to be like a lump of clay, shaped to resemble any position that benefits them. Great examples Moogerman!
JoinedPosts by ThomasMore
October 2024 Study Watchtower snippets
by BoogerMan inoctober 2024 study watchtower p.16 par.15 footnote - "in some cases, qualified men in their mid-to-late 20’s may be appointed as circuit overseers.
however, such men must first gain experience serving as elders.".
(well, if jw's are dunking kids who still play with fisher-price toys & lego, they'll be ready to become c.o.
Reddit thread re Oct 2024 WT with picture of window washer - Theme knocking people who Planned
by LongHairGal inthis thread currently has over 300 comments.. it shows a picture of an older man washing a window looking wistfully… then it talks all about how some may have doubts about not having planned and the situation they are in now that they are older, etc.
it refers to others who did plan and who supposedly have ‘apparent’ financial security.
in my opinion, the whole gist of this article is to make older witnesses feel better who did not pursue a career or plan well for retirement.. it tries to imply that those others who planned only have ‘apparent’ financial security - which is to say they don’t (?).
That photo is typical of the manipulation that WTC is famous for.
If you are still associated with WTC, and contemplating your future, study that photo carefully. It could be a snapshot of your own future - minus the paradise inset showing the Brother wearing an "UN-TUCKIT" shirt. For you sisters, the perfect 10 beside him still wears a dress even when working in the field. She is new to farming because she still invites all the cute little deer to eat everything in the garden - which they will do.
BTW - Armageddon better come quickly for the Brother in the photo. Otherwise, he will only get into the paradise by resurrection. WTC teaches that resurrected ones do not marry, so the attractive woman by his side helping him havest the fruit of his estate will not be his wife. If he dies prior to the end of the system like all other JWs who passed away, he will only have a platonic relationship with her.
BUT WAIT! Didn't the GB say a few years ago that it could not be said that resurrected ones will be single forever? They did - but dropped saying that after many expressed outrage. Namely, those who had remarried, and got a lemon for a mate.
2024--Become a Circuit Overseer in Your Mid-to-Late 20's!
by Atlantis inbecome a circuit overseer in your mid to late 20's.
you would have had to qualify as an elder previously.
this would mean the male would have had to have been an elder in his early 20's.
They don't have a choice IMO. The number of older men who are still willing to carry the water for WTC is diminishing quickly, and there is a gap of elders in the 30-50 year bracket. They are actually targeting teenagers, hoping that they will be incentivized to stick with the org instead of leaving when they hit their 20's.
THEY MUST MAINTAIN CONTROL OF THE SHEEP - even if they have to use pre-pubescent boys to do so.
I happened to attend a new boy talk by Ralph Wahl many years ago, as an observer. He sternly told new boys not to "pee in the sink" in their room, but to use the restroom urinal instead. I wondered if that was an actual problem at Bethel. Years later, I walked in again to his orientation and he repeated the same thing. I knew then that he was obsessed.
Over the years, I saw that Bethel was hyper-focused on the sexual organs of young Bethelites. It was disturbing to me and to others as well. They used any excuse to talk about sexual practices, perversions, and personal hygiene.
I do know that bestiality has been an issue for the organization for many years. This used to come up when women wanted scriptural divorces. The Service Dept did not consider bestiality as grounds for scriptural divorce until the the 1990's.
Yes - seriously. And these were the men guiding the sheep...
2024--Become a Circuit Overseer in Your Mid-to-Late 20's!
by Atlantis inbecome a circuit overseer in your mid to late 20's.
you would have had to qualify as an elder previously.
this would mean the male would have had to have been an elder in his early 20's.
They will need a 2 week course on doing their own laundry unless mom travels with them.
New instructions on not using sisters to manage KH computer ?
by fifth.column insince covid in france, especially in the countryside with lack of brothers, it was quite common that some sisters were using the computer at the back of the kingdom hall to manage zoom session.. i heard a rumor that new instructions, maybe a july letter, stated that this was reserved for male only, even unbaptised publishers, but no sister if there is at least a male available.
that would be a steps back and disappointment for these sisters.
last week i heard at my mom’s house how they were happy that this service was available for them, a proof that the org was moving forward.
Pastor Russell and Rutherford shared the same view of women. They set the standard and it has never changed.
Today WTC is hanging on by their fingernails and still belittling women who make up over 65% of their publisher base. It's a head scratcher.
Trump assassination attempt??
by Diogenesister init happened at a rally in pennsylvania, apparently.
he seems ok i've seen a photo of him bleeding from his ear.
this is absolutely nutso....if it's too it doesn't surprise me the way they constantly describe him as "far right" and that his supporters are "maga republicans".
Now it seems that intel was in hand that Iran was planning an assasination attempt. Where was the increased coverage for that threat? The shooter had no affiliation with Iran, but why was law enforcement at their highest attentive state? SS has a lot to answer for.
Interesting that the other cult-cousins are going thru nearly identical hemmoraging of members.....
by WingCommander ini still read on reddit.
(though no longer post) occasionally, i'll venture over to the ex-seventh day adventist (sda) sub and catch up a bit.
it's been a long time.
LHG said: "no young person years ago invited to a pioneer dinner and patted on the back had ANY idea their financial security in old age was in jeopardy and they were being lulled into a sleep mode..."
By now, some of those who basked in the praise from WTC for trading their future for full time service, must surely realize that they got nothing in return. Worrying about bills, a roof over your head, and medical coverage is a wakeup call from that indiced sleep.
I took a lot of grief for focusing on my future, and some JW's won't speak to me now. No one forced them to stay at Bethel until they were kicked to the curb, but it rubs them wrong that they were duped. Sadly, it is too late to make a dent in their budget deficit. My heart goes out to them but my donations do not.
The Rapture
by Sea Breeze inwhen i was pioneering, i don't remember ever addressing the rapture question.
does anyone know how a jw would respond to this verse?
for the lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of god.
Rattigan - you wrote:
"As of right now (or rather 1995) all of the 144,000 have been anointed and sealed."
Can you please elaborate on this comment. I have never heard that JW's ever felt 1995 was pivotal.
Trump assassination attempt??
by Diogenesister init happened at a rally in pennsylvania, apparently.
he seems ok i've seen a photo of him bleeding from his ear.
this is absolutely nutso....if it's too it doesn't surprise me the way they constantly describe him as "far right" and that his supporters are "maga republicans".
Biden was quoted Monday on a call to Democratic donors that they needed to put a "bullseye on Trump". Of course he was not recommending violence, but it was irresponsible nevertheless. Tempers are flaring on both sides, but radicals don't know when to check their anger - so here we are.
I heard commentators say that we still have months before the election, but the real attacks against Trump started AFTER he was elected. Is this what we have to look forward to if he wins again?
Now an attendee has been killed and two others are in critical condition, yet some are still using inflammatory rhetoric to describe both candidates. We need civility.