The elephant in the room for the money grab is that WTC followed the Catholic vatican playbook. It gave them access to ALL the contributions and positioned them to SELL KHs when they decided. Here are the steps they took:
- WTC took title of all KHs
- WTC cleaned out the bank accounts of all Congs
- WTC exited all "in progress projects" and sold land purchased by Congs for future builds
- WTC directed all donations come to them, removing access to those funds by the Congs
- WTC engaged in a massive selloff of "in use" properties resulting in displacement of Congs and individuals
Now, WTC decides which KHs need maintenance that is above and beyond daily maintenance. When WTC decides to sell a KH, they evaluate what needs to be done to put it on the market, then they send worldly contractors in to do the work. The sale occurs soon after. They do this if they decide that the market in that locality is "hot". Congregations are then consolidated - Rinse and repeat.
Is your KH getting a facelift, new carpet, new chairs, new roof? Then get ready to go somewhere else because it will likely be sold as soon as a buyer is found.