It was Stewart Little (the mouse)that lived with the Judge.
beth sarim:.
beth sarim was built in 1929 as a proof that the resurrection would soon take place.
(salvation, p. 311).
It was Stewart Little (the mouse)that lived with the Judge.
i am a christian, what is "jehova's witnesses " all about?.
how do i know which religion i belong to?
i believe in god fully, and i respect all what jehova's have to say when they come knocking at my door.
I think Anthony is stilll researching his own religion as he said he would, I hope. Maybe it will be an eye opener for him researching his belief, as it was for us to research and examine the WT.
Hopefully Anthony will post again a little more enlightened.
the times in which jesus lived are well documented.
we know a lot about the historical context of the world in which he lived.
<font color=blue>adonis/tammuz</font>: the saviour - after being put to death, rose from the dead.
I have spoken with you a few times on EDEN2OUTPOST, not as Scorpion though. I gave you some information clearing up a Bible contradiction you had. This was some time ago.
I always like your sense of humor. As regards your post, where did you get the information you posted? I would like to check out the site or the source.
You also might look at:
just to get a different view.
Take care
hey all,.
i'm sure this topic has probably been covered before, but as i'm in this situation now i'm hoping maybe you can offer your thoughts.. i'm just curious, what are actually grounds for disfellowshipping?.
i'm to the point where i no longer believe that jehovah's witnesses have the truth, but if at all possible i want to avoid the big *d* word, as most of my family and my husbands family are still jehovahs witnesses.
You are in a tough situation having family that are still in the organization. You are right, the control this cult has over someones life is terrible.
It appears that to continue to have contact with your family that are still in the borg, you will have to play the game. Don't say anything negative about the WT.
Grounds for Disfellowshipping? It depends on the person and who the person knows in the Congregation. Also how repentent one is (Kissing the elders butt). I have seen people disfellowshipped for smoking. On the other hand I knew of a few elders sons that were just reproved for drug use and getting drunk. The funny thing is, the elders sons continued getting drunk and never stopped taking drugs, mainly smoking dope.
I know of a situation in my town where an individual was baptized around 1955. He stopped doing all the things a good JW does around 1968. He became a member of the Methodist church around 1980 and still is a member to this day. The JWs use his services regularly and talk to him as a friend even though they know the situation. He is an attorney, my Uncle. Yep, my Uncle. Now my situation is much different. I spoke out against the WT and much of the lies and so forth that went on in my congregation. You have to remember that there is not much room for REAL TRUTH in the WT. I am labled an evil apostate, demon possesed and all that fobic stuff to keep the rank and file away from me.
So if you want to remain having contact with your JW family, don't tell them you know the truth about the "truth".
i recieved this in an email this morning: thanks, man.
it was the accepted practice in babylon 4,000 years ago that for a. month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.
mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month or what we know today as the honeymoon.. tr
I am familiar with the LHMM and what they believe. I have seen many of Alan T's posts on different BS boards over the years. You are right about the LHMM, they are the least tolerable BS faith. I do know that continued questioning and exposing the teachings and unfulfilled dates and occurences that Russell set, will get one the boot from most BS forums. There is very little tolerance by the BS for those that question and expose Russell. I am talking about all Bible Student faiths, yours included.
i recieved this in an email this morning: thanks, man.
it was the accepted practice in babylon 4,000 years ago that for a. month after the wedding, the bride's father would supply his son-in-law with all the mead he could drink.
mead is a honey beer and because their calendar was lunar based, this period was called the honey month or what we know today as the honeymoon.. tr
Be careful of what group you think of joining. Even amongst RR's group one can be castigated for disagreements among the body. Charles T. Russell is held in high esteem by the Bible Students. To disagree with Russell or BR. Johnson or any other BS that wrote Bible Student theology, one can be set apart from the rest.
I have proof to back this up.
In case RR is wondering what I mean, does Eric Martin ring a bell?
What about those that have been banned from your forum, Bravenet ( now defunct) and the one you run now.
I have nothing against you RR, but Russell was out there in left field without a glove.
i am a christian, what is "jehova's witnesses " all about?.
how do i know which religion i belong to?
i believe in god fully, and i respect all what jehova's have to say when they come knocking at my door.
Thank you for your answer. Now that was not that hard, was it?
How long has your church been in existence and who was the founder?
Who is taking the lead in your Church today? What I mean by lead is, the person who decides what path the Church should go. I am not talking about the Lord.
Edited by - Scorpion on 14 February 2001 2:46:6
i am a christian, what is "jehova's witnesses " all about?.
how do i know which religion i belong to?
i believe in god fully, and i respect all what jehova's have to say when they come knocking at my door.
I did not say that All Saints church was a Catholic Church, I asked YOU if it was. You seem to have the same problem Jehovah's Witnesses have, they cannot answer simple questions with the truth.
And yes, there is much I see wrong with the Catholic Church.
One of these is the fact that the Catholic Church honors Mary as much or more than Christ. I am sure you have heard of the term "Co-redemtrix. This term is used by more knowledgable Catholics. The reason I say, more knowledgable is because most Catholics I know and have talked to are very ignorant of what the Church teaches.
Co-redmtrix means that Mary is co-redemer with Christ. In other words, the Catholic Church teaches that Mary participated with Christ in the painful act of redemtion. According to the Bible Christ alone is Redeemer, for He alone suffered and dies for sin. 1 Peter 1:18,19
Another thing I see ludicrous is that the Catholic Church teaches that Mary is co-mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions. This goes against the Bible once again. Christ Jesus is the one mediator to whom we can entrust all our cares and petitions (1 Timothy 2:5, John14:13,14, 1 Peter 5:7
I can think of many things that I see wrong with the teachings of the Catholic Church as well as many religions.
The Catholic Church is nothing but man made traditions that people blindly follow.
i am a christian, what is "jehova's witnesses " all about?.
how do i know which religion i belong to?
i believe in god fully, and i respect all what jehova's have to say when they come knocking at my door.
The church you mentioned, (All Saints) seems to be a Catholic Church from a search I did on the web. Is this correct?
wts attorney--morenowhos screwed?!?.
the legal liabilities are rapidly mounting for congregation elders & kingdom hall properties.
this will involve all legal matters especially pedophile cases.
Sorry you lost your personality, or did you have one?
Maybe I should have clarified what I said in response to you.
Edited by - Scorpion on 13 February 2001 2:19:0