I am A christian, what is "JW" all ab...

by Anthony 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Anthony

    I am A christian, what is "Jehova's witnesses " all about?

    How do I know which religion I belong to? I believe in God fully, and I respect all what Jehova's have to say when they come knocking at my door. I don't understand lot's about your religion. Why do You believe that we will have an Earthly afterlife - when The bible says we are of the spirit? HELP!! I'm confused!

    Anthony In England UK

  • waiting

    Hello Anthony,

    Nice to meet you. I'm in the usa, been a jw for 30 years, but am inactive now. Before you make any decisions, it would be wise to learn about the Bible and Jesus. If you want to learn about Jehovah's Witnesses, there are many places on the net to read - both sides of the story.

    May I suggest: http://www.freeminds.org/

    It's a good starting point. Down at the bottom of freeminds page is links to all kinds of places to learn more about Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Come back and visit.


  • Scorpion


    What is it that you respect about what Jehovah's Witnesses have to say?

    Is it the fact that they believe that they are Jehovah's only chosen religion and all others will perish in Armageddon?

    Is it that the JW's can question the Bible but cannot question the organization they adhere too?

    Is it the fact that they believe only the "spirit" of God works through the organization and all other religions are part of Babylon the Great?

    Is it that JW's are told not to think independantly of the Watchtower organization? To do so is one would be marked as spiritually weak.

    Is it that those who have left the Watchtower organization because of not being able to accept the lies and false prophecies of the organization are now looked at as filthy apostates?

    Of course, they do not tell you these things when they come to your door.

    waiting gave some good advice. Check out the link she posted and get informed before respecting what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe. I say this about religion in general, not just the Witnesses. Get informed!

    Edited by - Scorpion on 11 February 2001 23:3:3

  • Anthony

    Well, We as followers of God - and also God fearing people, must ALL respect our Lord God. It is MY wish that all of us shall recieve the Holy spirit - as did the gentiles - then the Jews as told in "Acts".

    We must live for the "New covenent" - and not preach the Old testament out of proportion to the New testament (like JW do - save Revelation that is, and the 144,000 - who are Gods "Elect".

    The Lord gives us the Promise of the Holy Spirit in John 14:15-26 also
    (1Th:4:16:) "For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:...and..
    (1Th:4:17): Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

    Praise God, Amen


  • Scorpion


    What do you mean, "we as followers of God"?

    What religion do you belong to as well as those "we" you refer to?

  • Anthony

    "WE" meaning *all* who love our lord God! - Quite simple!. So by "WE" I mean all who read the Bible and praise the Lord God. No one has to be set in a certain catagory to be loved by God - he or she just has to take up the cross of our lord Jesus Christ - do EVERYTHING that our Lord Wants us to do (10 Commandments etc)

    We are all children of God, and he is in our hearts now as we live, and breath the air that the Lord God provided. Our reward is heaven, for obeying the almighty, and S.T Paul had his trials & tribulations - but singing his way out of prison was just one thing Paul did when he "Praised the lord"! - rather than curse the enemy that is.

    We must not make our own "prophesies" - (interpreting the Bible ourselfs). But must trust in the word of God - and let our patience endure. God may not send his Son Back to Earth (Christs return of course)for another 1,000,000 years. You see, Gods days are different to ours - and also the time - which is everlasting in the sight of our lord God.

    People in the days of Jesus & S.T Paul were assuming that Christ would return in there own lifetime. Well, 2000 years have past since, and there is no reason to assume that christ will return, say, in a few years. We all know that God alone - not the Son, knows when the return will take place. I'm off to bed now good night every one, And may the Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you always, Amen


  • larc


    You said that you didn't know much about what JWs teach, but then later you said that they used the OT more than the NT. If you knew that, it seems that you know quite a lot about them.

    You mentioned that the 144,000 were God's elect. Is that all that's going to heaven? That's only 72 per year from Christ's time to the present day. What say you?

  • larc


    You said that the "we" in your comments refer to all who love the Lord. In that case, it really doesn't matter what JWs or anyone else believes. So why worry about their beliefs.

    I don't know what Protestant religions are promenant in the UK, but in the US, people who use the kind of language that you do are usualy Baptist or Pentecostal on a mission to convert others. Also, the scriptures you quoted are quoted by these two religions on a regular basis. Every religion has its favorite quotes. Any thoughts on my obervations?

  • TR

    Hi Anthony,

    We must not make our own "prophesies" - (interpreting the Bible ourselfs). But must trust in the word of God - and let our patience endure. God may not send his Son Back to Earth (Christs return of course)for another 1,000,000 years. You see, Gods days are different to ours - and also the time - which is everlasting in the sight of our lord God.

    Very good. Please tell the JW's you talk to about these things. They need to learn about them. You see, their leaders, the WTB&TS teach differently.


  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Welcome Anthony,
    There are so many things to say in response to your questions.
    Just to highlight some thoughts on your posts.
    JW's, do not believe Jesus died on a cross. JW's do not believe that the majority of other religious people will be saved. They believe they are the only ones with the corner on the market, when it comes to prophecy and they believe they are the mouth-piece of God. They believe they are divinely appointed to be God's messengers in the last days, to convert all others or as many as possible to their way of thinking.
    They believe there is only one true organization with God's backing on earth and all others emanate from Satan.
    They believe that Christ's return is eminent and 1000 thousand years of peace will ensue. At the great war of Armegeddon, they believe only JW's will be saved. They (the one's saved) will have the responsibility of teaching those who come back in a resurrection to earth, God's requirements.
    They believe only 144,000 are in the New Covenant with Christ. They do not believe in a rapture, as the scriptures you quoted seem to indicate you do.
    I am going to stop for now. Check out what the others told you. Study and truly think for yourself.

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