The Pioneer's Guide to Padding Your Service Report
1- Set your alarm clock for 6:00 am. Open your window and throw a tract outside. Begin service meter. Hit snooze alarm and go back to bed until 7:00.
2- At 7:00, toss another tract out the window because surely by now someone has picked up your previous gem of Truth and divine wisdom and is coming to an accurate knowledge of God's Word. Proceed to the shower.
3- 7:45 - Get dressed and go to McDonald's or a diner that serves breakfast. Leave a set of magazines on the table instead of a tip for the waitress.
4- 8:30 - Try that nagging Not-At-Home, the one with the For Sale sign on the lawn and overgrown yard and no curtains in the window. Slip tract under the door. Proceed to service arrangement.
5- 9:30 - Service meeting concludes and car groups are organized. Your meter is still running with 3.5 hours in already.
6- 9:35 - Swing by several other nagging Not-At-Homes so that the rest of your car group can start their meters too.
7- 10:35 - After running through all these nagging Not-At-Homes, it's time for coffee break. Remember to leave a set of magazines for the waitress, instead of a tip.
8- 10:50 to 11:50 - Return visits. Everyone invites you to go with them because you're the pioneer and they think it'll improve everyone's opinion of them if they hang with you. Pat yourself on the back for being so generous toward them.
9- 11:50 - Break for lunch. OK, so it's not quite noon, but if we carry the magazines in front of us while we walk to our destination for lunch (your place, not mine!) we can keep the meter running.
10- 12:00 to 12:15 - Thank the host/ess for the peanut butter and jelly sandwich and the glass of milk. Read something interesting out of the latest magazines to his/her cat.
11- 12:15 - Walk back to the territory, holding the magazines up to your chest like a billboard. You are alone, because the rest of them already have finished their day in service. Your meter is ticking away at 6 hours 15 minutes.
12- 12:30 - Find your car. Drive to the mall. Tuck tracts under the windshield wipers of surrounding vehicles. Go to the food court and get a real lunch. Leave a set of magazines on the table for the cleaning staff instead of a tip.
13- 13:00 - Return to your car. Notice if there are any different cars that have replaced the ones where you left tracts. If so, tuck tracts under windshield wipers of replacement vehicles.
14- 13:15 - Check your coat pocket for change. Mutter something about publishers not appreciating you because they don't give you any gas money when your car is used in field service. Put $5 worth of gas in the car. Leave a set of magazines tucked into the pump handle so the next person can learn about Jehovah.
15- 13:30 - Go to Brother Moppensweep's to see if he has enough help with his cleaning company. Flirt with Sister Well-Endowed, and notice the magazines sitting on the corner of her desk. Make a mental note of her dishonest time counting practice, after all she is "just" a publisher. Tell her you were in the neighbourhood while doing some Return Visits.
16- 14:00 - Return home for a nap. Mutter something about all the litter and paper waste in the yard of your apartment building. Make a mental note to complain to the superintendant. Leave a set of magazines in the building's laundry room to make your meter stop at exactly the 8 hour mark. Feel good about yourself for placing 10 magazines too.
17- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Love, Scully
It is not persecution for an informed person
to expose a certain religion as being false. - WT 11/15/63
A religion that teaches lies cannot be true. -WT 12/1/91