Go up to cart witnesses and ask what their organization is doing to aid hurricane victims. And when they say they look to gods kingdom for the solution. Say your solution is for God kill 99.9 % of humans! No people no problems! Be sure to take a picture of the deer in headlight look!
I have never understood trying to tell people things like this. They are aware of what their God's solution is and they are all for it. I think if you get the deer in the headlight look it will be because they don't understand your accusation. You are just stating the obvious. How do you react when someone states the obvious to you, but acts as though it is some kind of revelation?
I would rather ask them how ignoring people in grave need makes them the 'charitable organization' that they are so proud of being.
You know, it never occurred to me when I was in the cult that we never helped anyone who wasn't a JW. I never actually knew that. I always thought that we helped people in their times of need... more so in other countries where the need is really great, but that was what I always thought. After I left, someone pointed out to me that the JWs don't help anyone in need but themselves and consider their only charitable act to be their proselytizing. I think a lot of current witnesses would have to take a moment of consideration if that fact were pointed out to them. I don't think it would make a lot of difference... but it might plant a seed.