When I first started exhibiting symptoms of extreme PTSD as I was on my way out of the JWs, I went to a clinical psychologist. I started by telling her that I had been a JW and that it had been a very bad experience. She contradicted me by telling me that she had about 14 JW clients and they were all very nice and good people.
I didn't know current JWs went to therapists. But they do.
I told her that I just wanted to work on ways to deal with the symptoms that I was experiencing. Luckily I was going out of town to go to college so I could tell her that I would seek further counseling there and she did help me deal with the physical symptoms that were disrupting my life. And I did seek further counseling.
I never ever go to a counselor or therapist who thinks JWs are great people. I have met quite a few. So, despite what the Watchtowers may say... some JWs do seek outside counsel.
Also, my mother is mentally ill. I met a lot of mentally ill people in the JWs. Most of them had medications. You don't get medications unless you have them written by a licensed professional. Some people went voluntarily. More than a few of the ones that I knew had been involuntarily committed to mental hospitals. So, they received required and mandatory counseling. Sometimes even JWs have to function according to the law and are therefor required to attend professional counseling of some kind.