I agree with so much of the advice given here so far.
One thing that you need to know is that members of the Jehovah's Witnesses are taught to be abusive and to believe that their abusive actions are in fact loving and kind. Many times they don't even realize that they are abusers. He doesn't love you. He doesn't know what love is. None of the Jehovah's Witnesses recognize how to behave lovingly and kindly. The fact that he is giving you an ultimatum about marriage in order to control you is proof that he doesn't know what love is nor how it behaves. Leave him before he really hurts you.
Life in the US as a Jehovah's Witness is not a benefit. As a woman you will have no rights. The JWs will look at you as trash and worth nothing. If you are able to have children you will have slightly more worth than if you can't but still... women are only good for procreation and cleaning toilets. That is the best you can hope for. You will be discouraged from working a well paying job, from getting an education, and from doing anything that betters your situation. Is that the US that you want to live in?
Also... you mentioned being balanced from reading a few texts from a holy book. There are many people in the world who only read a few texts and are balanced in their views. However, there is not a single Jehovah Witness that can make that claim. It is part of their indoctrination that they take texts out of context and pervert their meanings. Most Jehovah's Witnesses have only read the entire Bible in snippets and texts taken out of context. Those that I know who have actually read the book cover to cover have had questions about why what they are taught doesn't match up with what the bible says when you read it in full. But by that time the indoctrination and brainwashing and emotional blackmail is too overwhelming to overcome.
Also, Jehovah's Witnesses are not Christians. They think they are, but they aren't. They do not believe that Christ is God, but that Christ is God's son. He is the good son. The son that does everything right. But they don't follow Christ. If they did, they would be called Jesus's Witnesses.
Run away and find a person who is balanced to fall in love with. If you want to live in the US... apply for a visa. Getting in through marriage is not a good way to get into the country and it is a terrible reason to marry someone. It puts you at risk of being abused and mistreated. You can be better than that. You could even go to college and study in the US. Many students then get jobs, and then work visas. And if you really want to... get working on the process of becoming a US citizen. But consider... you get back what you put in. And if you try to come to the US through marriage... you make yourself vulnerable to abuse and because you don't have citizenship you have less resources. If you get involved in a cult, like the Jehovah's Witnesses, you will have even less resources. Don't set yourself up for that.
Also, be forewarned. The American Dream is a fantasy. It sounds too good to be true because it is too good to be true. American life is nothing like what you think it is. It might be better than where you are now, or it might not. It might just be a different. If you came as a student you would have the chance to see what life is really like and to decide if you really want to live in the US permanently.