When I was a tween the elders had all the kids in the congregation get up on the stage and answer some questions. They asked us what we wanted to do when we grew up. They had lined us up from oldest to youngest and I was right after my older sister. She loudly and proudly proclaimed that she wanted to go to college.. and then they rethought what they were doing and stopped asking an of us any questions. I didn't have an answer at the time so I didn't mind that the rest of us were asked to sit down after that. But I always remember it because it pretty loudly broadcasts how they feel about education.
The thing is, that they don't want people to get educated. But at the same time, people who go to college get better jobs, make more money, and can give more of their money to the JWs. People with money are treated better in the organization. There is also a truth that the organization needs lawyers and other people who have long college careers and they prefer to get them from within the organization.
So, while the organization is threatened by education, they also want people to make more money and provide more uses to the organization.