Hi HS,
I don't think of "defeating" anyone or any organization. I think of winning them over to a more balanced way of life. Extreme beliefs and actions can be dilaterious to ones health. Sometimes, extreme action is needed and a balanced person will know when that is and when that is not the appropriate action.
I think that many JW's just do not think for themselves and are counting of the organization to lead them to their salvation. So I agree with many of the comments here especially Sam's/Alan's about the the position of the the GB/Organization in the mind of the believer. I also agree with Lee and E-man and others about educating JW's about their own behavior. I believe that many who have realized that their own behavior was foolish and uncaring were moved to question the behavior of their beloved organization.
If there is a "defeat" it is being able to free the mind of the individual from the control of the cult. I personally don't think the cult itself will suffer any great defeat by any type of frontal assault tactics. But the cult will eventually suffer, at least to some degree, if many members learn to think for themselves and make their own choices in life. The cult itself may morph into something other than what it is now in order to survive. I hope that at least some people will be able to see the mental illness asscoiated with the cult and go to work healing the wounds, in themselves and others. I guess it's a grass-roots kind of thing rather than an outright war or frontal attack.