JoinedPosts by JimmyYoung
"Do You think that 8 million are being deceived?" Ways to answer this?
by BottleGate_ inmine is : jws preach that the entire population of the earth has been deceived ..
They have never ever been right on anything they have ever preached. Nothing Nadda. -
by JimmyYoung ini am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue.
that its a myth the idea of overpopulation.
i was listening to a talk radio speaker ben shapiro i like to as i work through the day.
The self correction is not ever going to be a good one. Its done by disease, and or famine and war. Its not a fun and games mad max kind of thing its more the road https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0898367/ This was a movie that shows how bleak apocalyptic living really is.
by JimmyYoung ini am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue.
that its a myth the idea of overpopulation.
i was listening to a talk radio speaker ben shapiro i like to as i work through the day.
I am seeing a lot of videos and articles on this issue. That its a myth the idea of overpopulation. I was listening to a talk radio speaker Ben Shapiro I like to as I work through the day. He was going on about the idea that overpopulation is a myth. I think the guy is smart and articulate but this is insane. You can not put 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag. We live on a finite planet and ever expanding population growth is not sustainable. I believe this is coming from the religious nuts that think god will make it all possible. I have heard these same people say god is creating the oil in the ground and it will last forever and that god can make the earth expand ect. The idea that population can keep growing and there not be food shortages and running out of resources is idiotic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNxctzyNxC0
Those who want to believe in god
by JimmyYoung ini find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
Cofty, no it does not. Its like picking out some good ideas in Mein Kampf or saying yes the Easter bunny is not real but this or that is a good idea about it. Or those who live in some Star Wars fantasy or other fictitious fantasy. The idea that murder is wrong is not something humans would do whole sale if not for the Bible. You are desperately trying to save something you know is BS. Toss it out you don't need it. Don't try to find a good piece of meat on a rotting carcass.
More than 60 illegal migrants today in UK!!!
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-50916544.
kent refugee action network's bridget chapman, (idiot!
) who works directly with asylum seekers arriving by boat, said the home office's response was "disgraceful".
This also happens inside a country like the USA. We have Liberal idiots who destroy a state such as NY or California. They tax the producers and give to the bums and let the bums live anywhere and do what they want like in San Francisco where they have made it not a crime to shop lift under 900 dollars worth of stuff. LMAO now California is a shit hole and the center leftists move out because its a shit hole and move to the mid west and south and bring the same shit that destroyed where they moved from. Its a disease.
More than 60 illegal migrants today in UK!!!
by The Fall Guy inhttps://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-50916544.
kent refugee action network's bridget chapman, (idiot!
) who works directly with asylum seekers arriving by boat, said the home office's response was "disgraceful".
Liberal idiots do not seem to understand that a nation can not be the battered shelter of the world. I know they want to bring in more idiots who will blindly vote for anyone or thing that will give them free shit but its an idea that will destroy the host country. Muslims for example may vote for the liberal idiots who will open the flood gates but the very same Muslims would when they can throw most of the liberal idiots off a building and kill all the gays. Liberals are too brain dead to understand these concepts. In Dearborn Michigan a once wonderful upscale town is now full on Muslim. Public signs are in Arabic and they have stoned Christians living in the area. This is what Liberal idiots just don't get.
Those who want to believe in god
by JimmyYoung ini find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on fb then whine whine when others critique it.
its like the ny times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped.
don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it.
I find it funny how many people want to broad cast their religion on FB then whine whine when others critique it. Its like the NY Times saying no one has a right to criticize its oped. Don't put it on the world wide web if you don't want others opinion on it. LMAO. Funny how any religion I have ever encountered and I have studied a lot, none do well with real questions. Being raised in a religious cult the Jehovah's Witnesses I had many elders rubbing their head when I would use critical thinking to ask questions about its beliefs and the bible itself. Most Christians don't even know the history of their own religion. First off the bible was not handed down by god. It was a group of separate books and letters that were put together by Constantine the Greats bishops at the Council of Nicea in 312 CE. Before that time there were many books written by Christians like Thomas, Mary Magdalene and others that were thrown out or even burned. This was done so the narrative the council wanted to promote at that time would be pushed.
Most Christians don't even know that there are no, not one book of the bible that is not a copy of a copy. No original writings exist or have been found. It would be like finding a letter written by George Washington that had been copied and copied and the only one found was one that had been copied some 300 years after GW died. The gospels are not even known who actually wrote them, its an attributed guess as to Mathew mark Luke and john., and so it is with the first 5 books where Moses is attributed as the writer but the actual writer writes about Moses death and burial.
Then you have the geological column that shows no global flood ever occurred and the fossil record that shows Man and Dinosaurs did not exist at the same time by a long shot. The earth is not 6 thousand years old but some 4.5 billion and that is proven by science and radio active decay. Occam's Razor is a good way to look at the bible and religion. Which is more plausible that some goat herders who knew nothing of how the world worked wrote of how god created the world bla bla bla or that the world is in the shape its in because a supernatural creature disguised as a talking snake talked a woman made of a rib from a man made of mud was talked into eating a piece of fruit from a tree that dispensed knowledge and hence the fall of man. Sorry to all the Christians but this does not pass the smell test by miles.
Watchtower CD 1995
by JimmyYoung ini still have my original cd watchtower library 1995. it is of any value or are there millions out there?.
I still have my original CD Watchtower Library 1995. It is of any value or are there millions out there?
If You Had The Choice To Live Anywhere In The World or Any State Where Would You Be?
by minimus ini do like the usa but winters suck!
florida has some charm but it gets brutal with heat and humidity.
california is too looney.
I would take the USA over most any place. Stable and I can pick a state that is not communist like Kalifornia assachucets
New Resolution?
by NikL inhad our midweek meeting last night.
they had a resolution to send an extra (i wanna say $1100 but i only remember it was at least $1000) per month to forward the kingdom preaching work etc.. you know how they work in the kh...no one votes against anything.
i abstained as i almost have always done.
If the printed lit was edible then maybe