Kicked the Crap out of my 2 cousins, for skinning Frogs alive
and turning them loose,
They are known as the Missouri Outlaws, Bad Boys --
Very Bad Boys-------
ok guys, (simon probably won't like this thread) what's the worst thing you did as a kid to a defenseless animal?
me, i liked to throw rocks at frogs.
my mom was so mad when she saw me..... the girls are gonna be pissed..... rotfl
Kicked the Crap out of my 2 cousins, for skinning Frogs alive
and turning them loose,
They are known as the Missouri Outlaws, Bad Boys --
Very Bad Boys-------
i received my gift today--via---ups from my secret santa, lilacs !!!!!!!!!!.
how in the world did you know i .
love, lighthouses and yankee candles.
I received my gift today--via---ups from my secret Santa, Lilacs !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so very much ! How in the world did you know I
love, Lighthouses and Yankee Candles.
It is just beautiful-------it's a Lighthouse Stoneware
Tart Warmer Burner !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank You verrrrrrrrrry much, I just love it.
It also came with 3 Tart candles
White Christmas
Christmas Wreath
Home for the Holidays
I love all 3 of these scents, it's the greatest gift ever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(((((HUGS LILACS )))))
I see someone who is showing her age hehe
oh well happens to the best of us .
I also see a very changed person, compared to a couple yrs.ago.
All for the better of course, I'm very happy with the changes.
So is my family, my children anyway and thats all that really matters!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for asking---------------Searchin50
i wonder if this means i no longer have a master member...............status.
on this auspicious occasion i would like to thank to all the members who have participated in the discussions that helped me see that the emperor wasn't waring any cloths.
i would also like to thank the watchtower society for the target practice, spiritual vomit and stupid coments in their literature that made it so easy to leave
Congrats---- Hippikon !!!!!!!!!!!!!
May we see more post' please
I enjoy all of them very much.
a question from realist on another thread prompted me to want to ask the board if our members believe in astrology.
here is my response on the subject and your comments are welcome, as always.. robdar, .
plaese tell me you don't believe in astrology!
Mr Moe Lets just go ahead and put it on the board,
for the whole world to see!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This should be very interesting.
Thanks in advance----------------- Searchin50
a question from realist on another thread prompted me to want to ask the board if our members believe in astrology.
here is my response on the subject and your comments are welcome, as always.. robdar, .
plaese tell me you don't believe in astrology!
Mr Moe Your charts are so very true!
That is exactly the kind of person I am.
Couldn't have told the story any better myself!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for taking the time, to do this for me.
a question from realist on another thread prompted me to want to ask the board if our members believe in astrology.
here is my response on the subject and your comments are welcome, as always.. robdar, .
plaese tell me you don't believe in astrology!
Mr Moe I was born at home in the country,
delivery by midwife,
Eminence, Missouri
Why do you need this information ?
Thanks------------------------- Searchin50
a question from realist on another thread prompted me to want to ask the board if our members believe in astrology.
here is my response on the subject and your comments are welcome, as always.. robdar, .
plaese tell me you don't believe in astrology!
MrMoe I was born Feb.19th at 9:09 am on Saturday 1944
Could you please give me some insight about myself,
by reading my chart? Please
thanks in advance i think hehe
i decided to start this thread, because so many time we go at each other because of difference of opinion.
( myself included ) but yet for me i love this place.
i love the different opionions, they make me think, i love the freedom of expression, the friendships, and the expriences that make this a special healing place.
I think the reason I like coming to this board and reading all the post,
is because after trying for so many years to convince myself of something
that was not right at all in my own mind and trying to please so many
people, and constantly looking over my shoulder to see if I was going
to get the proverbial knife in the back for some improper thing I might have
been guilty of never quite knowing just what that might might be.
I love the freedom here of not having to be a people pleaser.
Not having to watch each and every word that is spoken,
I feel that we may speak freely from our hearts,about our worship of God!
Freely about whatever the subject might be actually, I feel it is a blessing.
For so many years I thought I was the only one that could not see this
W T S dogma,I just thought I was lacking holy spirit, but now I know
I'm not. It is such a good feeling, knowing your not all alone.
So yes I do love visiting this discussion fourm!!!!!!!!!!!
He Stopped Loving Her Today
By George Jones
This is a real tear jerker, I swear!!!!!!!!!!