My two cents' worth - cut your losses and move ahead with your life. I read others' posts here about him possibly fading and leaving this religion (cult). Even if he were to do that, there are no guarantees that he wouldn't choose to go back into it sometime down the road. Even though my husband had left the JWs years before I met him, he chose to rejoin 8 years after we were married, and took me with him :( He often said that "you can leave the truth, but the truth never really leaves you." He also said that when he met me he thought "here's a nice lady who is caring and kind and doesn't smoke or drink or swear - she'd make a great JW wife". That creeps me out now! In other words, he had a plan - maybe not consciously.
If the future I was contemplating had been spelled out to me like it's been spelled out to you in these posts, I'd have run for the hills. I'm making good on my promise to myself to leave this religion and I'm very proud of myself for the steps I've taken, but it's a hard hard road! It may very well mean the end of my 22 year marriage. The divide is so great now - I long for an authentically lived life again.
So, my dear, save yourself a whole lot of pain and cut yourself away. It will be painful now, but you can do it. You will be saving yourself from a much greater pain in the future. Keeping telling yourself that.
That's more than two cents' worth. I'm notorious for not taking other people's advice so I understand if you don't listen, but just know that the good people on this forum are always here for you.