Our old kingdom hall is a church now, too.
I smell a trend here somewhere....
ok, maybe not a real scandal, but this really bugs the hell out of me!
in short, the kingdom hall i went to as child and teen, is being sold to a church.
my mother (still active) informed me of this.
Our old kingdom hall is a church now, too.
I smell a trend here somewhere....
i knew a brother who stuttered alot in the congregation.
when he spoke, he had a hard time saying what he wanted to say.
i guess that being nervous at the hall making comments made matters worse.
i knew a brother who stuttered alot in the congregation.
when he spoke, he had a hard time saying what he wanted to say.
i guess that being nervous at the hall making comments made matters worse.
I never knew of any witness stutters myself. I vaguely recalling of hearing some stories about one in Arizona and the problems he had.
the next segment is the dubs.....they showed a kh!!!
Considering how short the piece was, I think it was very good for the amount of time they had to work with.
i just wanted to let you know, in case you didn't hear about it yet, that the silentlambs (jehovah's witness child abuse victims) are going to be interviewed tonight on "cbs evening news" (6:30 eastern time; 5:30 central time).. i believe child abuse survivors heidi and amber, and also bill bowen are going to appear on the program, but i am not 100% sure.. i saw the tv commercial for the interview, and the commercial said it was coming on tuesday, april 29th, 2003 on cbs evening news!.
"beyond the catholic church -- another church under fire for child sexual abuse scandal".
set your vcrs!.
5:30PM here in the midwest.
there is a special talk today, evidently about our old friend babylon the great.
there is some speculation that it might be related to the possible new light on the un that undisfellowshipped spoke about in his thread:.
50 minutes of mind-numbing repetition and banal, unsupportable SPECULATION which barely touched on the theme of Babylon the Great.
Sounds like one of the best talks yet. Sorry I had to miss it.
there is this funny anecdote i remember from my jw days that i would like to tell:.
in the mid seventies there was a french movie released over here about .
the story of david & goliath,and some jw's of our congregation wanted to see it.. now this movie of which i forgot the title was nothing special but as is usual .
The movie,TITANIC,was frowned on by the circuit overseer,he said that the nude painting scene and the the fornication scene in the foggy car was taboo for the friends.
The district overseer specifically mentioned Titanic from the stage at one of our circuit assemblies. I just figured he was jelous because he never got to paint a naked woman.
i found a jw singles group on msn groups!
Look atthe MSN site JWSingles - look at the pics - MARG LOOKS HOT !!!! almost makes me think about going back for some Marg Luvin'
i found a jw singles group on msn groups!
LOL!! Everyone's posts on here are hysterical! This one sister had under "cool sites" the WTS. LMAO!
hahahaha I'll have to message that person that the www.jw-media.org site is really cool too!
nothing you said was going to happen has actually happened.
the iraqis have welcomed us with open arms.
we have not decimated baghdad's infrastructure.
However, I think all the whooping and high-fives are a bit premature. What has to happen next is going to be a long process that could go on for many years. It is a good day but the job is far from over.
Simon, I was thinking the same thing. Maybe they should look a bit closer at how Afghanistan is going back downhill (has been for awhile) before the cigars are passed around.