Either I'm blind or what everyone is talking about does not show up on my screen (and never has?) so thus, atm, I haven't a clue what everyone is talking about.
JoinedPosts by seawolf
I am disfellowshipping myself from this board for five months....
by ThiChi ingoodbye for now.... .
at the outset, i would like thank simon for this site.
it is truly a great place for xjws to hang out and discuss topics that interest us.
Would you marry not for love but for a visa?
by Atilla ina friend of mine was approached by a asian family living here in the u.s. that wants to get a family member, a 18 year girl living in the south east asia region here to america.
they want my friend to get married to this girl for a year or two so she can eventually become an american citizen.
the family living here has offered to pay for all expenses; my friends air ticket over there and back along with any other expenses incurred plus a lump sum payment upon her successful immigration here to the u.s. my friend is maybe considering it but he hasn't even seen a picture of the girl yet and he is somewhat older(about 9 year difference) than the girl.. now if they fall in love or consemate the relationship, that's totally up in the air and i guess open to bargaining and my friend would totally be free to get a divorce once the girl gets to the u.s. i did ask some of my friends what they thought, and everyone pretty much said no.
American women just have the most awful accents.
Silentlambs.org Uploading WT Documents Drawing Gasps By Denver Audience.
by allpoweredup inpart of email sent out from silentlambs.org regarding jw elders abetting child molestation at watchtower direction:.
william h. bowen addressed the (denver snap) conference on the topic, ?is it possible jw?s are far worse than main stream religion when dealing with child abuse??
never-before-seen material was presented to show the extent of the problem to gasps from the audience.
Looking forward to seeing that info.
just checking to see the replies.
It?s official!!! The Olson Twins are Legal!!!
by Elsewhere in.
the dream of many men has come true... over the weekend they turned 18!
Lindsay Lohan will turn 18 in...less than 15 days !
The day a brother died in my Hall, & the unbelievable events that followed.
by Mr Ben inthis one really freaked me out.
i was so brainwashed at the time i found a way to justify it.
i think i?ve been repressing my anger about this and now i need to vent.
At my hall, there was a woman that had a seizure+nervous breakdown at the front of the hall during the Sunday meeting. She was screaming and making moaning sounds and all kinds of stuff. This went on for awhile before they dragged her to the back of the hall. When I say dragged, I mean it literally. Remember in the movie "Airplane" after the pilots have passed out and they're dragging them through the aisles in the plane? That's how this was with two men dragging her through the hall. All the while the Watchtower study never missed a beat with the reading and comments going on like nothing was happening and the speaker kept raising his voice so you could her him over her screaming. They never called for help. I recall they just kept her in back and then later took her home.
Building a new computer
by dustyb inhey.
i'm building a new computer now, so if you guys want to suggest what i put in it, or else donate parts/money i'd be glad to accept.
right now this is what i'm thinkin about.
You'd either have to get a different CPU or motherboard since the A7N8X is a nforce2 AMD Athlon motherboard and won't work with a pentium 4. :)
more stuff on diet sodas
by shera inthis is very interesting and i believe there is something in these sweeteners.. .
please read .
subject: all diet soda drinkers beware .
Donald Rumsfeld was president of Serle corporation in 1977, maker of aspartame, then, part of Reagan transition team, and got aspartame 'legalized' by appointing a defense department contractor (Hayes) as head of FDA. That's one very good reason to stay clear of it!
I was wondering if anyone would bring this up. Searle is now owned by Monsanto (see previous discussion here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/14/60516/1.ashx ) The head the FDA that got aspertame approved then went on to take a high position at an advertising firm to promote aspertame.
Dental X-Rays
by Beans inevery time i go to the dentist they insist on taking x-rays, i see no need.
if you go every six months and get x-rays are you getting overexposure to the effects?
are x-rays a good cash grab for the dentist?.
I just happened to read this link before coming here. I thought this thread was going to be about this story
Researchers say dentist x-rays causing hundreds of cancers each year ? UK
I get them every few years. I did get them a bit more often before but no dental insurance now.
CALL TO ACTION: Write the United Nations!
by seattleniceguy inmost of us are familiar with the watchtower bible and tract society's association with the un as an ngo.
this fact has been confirmed via correspondence with the un numerous times, notably in a letter received recently by one of our own members.
for details and photocopies, see here:.
Thank you very much outandFREE didn't even think about the fact that they speak french !!!
me either! Now that I think about it, everytime they have a meeting there or something, the words behind them are in English and français.