People with cellphones in the movie theater - shut that damn thing off before I bury it in your popcorn
people who don't wash their hands - I'll pass on your gracious offer of a handshake and fixing my food with your bare hands.
people who pass me just to slam on the brakes and turn right - have fun missing your stop a***ole because I speed up now so you can't get in front of me. two can play this game.
people who swear 10 times for every non-profane word they use - Swearing doesn't really bother me but for the love of God have a little class in how you speak, oh, and Jerry Springer is down the hall on the right. Let me know what your episode airs.
people who tailgate me - Last week a guy in a *HUGE* jacked-up-in-the-air pickup was behind me so I hauled it to get out of his way and he shot by me. All of a sudden I see lights pop on and a car go spinning out of a parking lot and fishtail all over trying to speed up (road was wet) and sirens and lights turn on and he pulled him over. I haven't laughed that hard in years. 30mph over hmmmm looks like no drugs and beer for him this week 'cause money is going to be tight. His g/f was in the passenger seat. Karma's a bitch.