The government can't pull anything off? Really? The government has lots of stuff going on behind the scenes that NONE of us know about. Look up the attack on the USS Liberty that nearly sent the boat to the bottom of the Med when it was attacked by Israel. It was a project with a submarine called "Operation Cyanide." To this day people still won't talk exactly what it was. It's known that it was to try and get the US into the war on Egypt's Side with a possible nuclear attack on Egypt. The BBC had an entire special on this, but most people have never heard of it. Look up the case of Mordechai Vanunu. His pictures of the inside of Dimona in 1986 were the first ever of it and the last. Israel went so far as to brick up the lift shafts so the inspecters didn't know there were six levels of control rooms underground. It was a secret kept since then and till now with the exception of what Vanunu revealed. The governments look lame when they do something when it's something they don't care about. The government seeks its own interests first. Remember Katrina? YOU'RE DOING A HELLUVA JOB BROWNIE.
"Do you really believe that 2 buildings could come down just by an airplane."
Hell no. The buildings were designed to take much greater than they took. The chief structural engineer of the World Trade Center said in the New York Times
that the buildings could withstand an impact of a fully loaded Boeing 707 going
600MPH. The Boeing 767s that crashed into the World Trade Center are nearly the same dimensions as the 707. The wingspan is 146' (707) vs 156' (767), length is 153' (707) vs 159' (767), carries 23,000 gallons (707) of fuel vs 23,980 gallons(767). Each of the Boeing 767s that crashed into the WTC only had about 10,000 gallons of fuel so they weren't even half-loaded with fuel. Flight 11 that crashed into the north tower was doing 470MPH and flight 175 that crashed into the south tower was doing 590MPH. This isn't even getting into the people that are seen pretty as a daisy at the impact sites in pictures and video or the firefighters that reached the site saying they should be able to take the fires down with a couple of hoses.
oh and these buildings were built like a bloody tank. A large fire at the north tower of the World Trade Center in 1975 burned for over
THREE hours on the 11th floor (it spread down to the 9th and up to the 16th floors). It was so hot that the fire broke out windows on the east side of the building (something that did not happen on 9/11). The building was so well constructed that the building DID NOT NEED ONE TRUSS OR BEAM REPLACED. The building remained standing for another 16 years till 9/11 despite there being somewhere around 1,200 feet of building above where the fire was. (scans of the New York Times here:
oh don't forget the first 1993 WTC bombing. The 1993 explosion at the bottom of the WTC was caused by a 1500-pound urea-nitrate bomb, packed in a yellow Ford Econoline rental van, and detonated with a timer after the van had been parked in the basement parking garage. The explosion created a crater 200 feet by 100 feet wide and several stories deep. The building remained standing. The FBI let this bombing happen according to secret recordings made by the FBI informant that was supposed to substitute a harmless powder in the bombs (New York Times article here:
<<I think Occam's Razor applies: "All other things being equal, the simplest solution is the best." >>
The official story is a group of Arab men hijacked four airliners (4 out of 4 success rate = 100%). They were part of a group headed by a guy that used to work for the CIA and whose family helps build US military bases. This leader, OSama Bin Laden, has kidney disease and has to be on kidney dialysis. Yet the US can't find him. The US is caught completely off-guard despite warnings for months if not years on this possibility of planes being hijacked and slammed into buildings. Several of the things that helped the government/FBI/etc pin this on Osama's people are things like a pristine passport of one of the hijackers found at the WTC site and, also, a terrorist intent on killing himself on his flight packed a suitcase, and even though he never expected to unpack it and expected it to be incinerated, instead of packing some clothes in that suitcase he took the time to load up that suitcase with all kinds of incriminating evidence pointing the finger of blame to Muslims. Then, miracle of miracles, this suitcase, which should have vaporized with the rest of the airplane, together with its load of incriminating evidence "somehow" was left OFF the plane, ready to be found by investigators! Do I have this summed up in a quick nutshell?
That's the simplest solution? To me, the simplest solution to all of this: It happened to let the US then carry on its goals in the Middle East (as well as at home): -> Afghanistan -> Iraq -> Iran?. It also gave ISrael the leeway to do it's brutal crackdown in the Middle East, too. All of this à la Hitler's Reichstag fire. Also google Operation Northwoods.
I don't really care what anyone believes. I really don't. A lot of people I know locally think the politicians in my town are honest even while their latest scandels are plastered across the front page of the paper! I'm to the point now I just don't care.
It is funny. I was told I was full of crap and a "conspiracy theorist" at the Kingdom Hall because I didn't buy what I was being told. It just made absolutely no sense. I believe something once I see some proof or things add up. Just saying it's true because the JWs/FDA/government/etc says so just doesn't cut it with me.
<<I believe that the vast majority of conspiracy theorists truly have no idea how the government works and all the checks and balances that are in place.>>
If all of these checks and balances worked, we wouldn't be in Iraq. Thousands of US servicemen and women from the US and elswhere dead, tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead, millions displaced, a cost that is going to be in the TRILLIONS of $, list goes on and on. Was one thing the government told us true about Iraq? Colin Powell's presentation on the case for attacking Iraq to the UN in 2003 was a disgrace. Maybe there are checks and balances but whether it has to do with the FDA (Vioxx *cough*), military (Donald Rumsfeld held a press conference at the Pentagon on September 10, 2001 stating that $2.3 TRILLION was "missing"), etc, it's all a joke anymore.
If anyone is interested a good topic to Google on all of this is "Sibel Edmonds"
There's an entire documentary about Sibel Edmonds "Kill the Messenger"...preview here:
Ron Paul doesn't accept 9/11 investigation:
BBC Attack on the USS Liberty Part 1 of 7