Hmmmm, larsguy, you are funny.
First off, we are to accept the one only documantation (the old testiment) that say's it was in 607, and it was not written to influence one religous point of view and their view of history? Yet the other evidence that has been unearthed, says something different. I guess I would believe the "one" over all the others, sure I would, makes sence to me. And yeah the bible was not written with prejudice. Hmmm, Like I said your funny.
JoinedPosts by seedy3
Need your help with a little research!!!
by cecil ini have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Parallels between different traditions
by Introspection insometimes you find the same thought expressed in the writings of different religious traditions, i thought it might be interesting to compare and list these.
one thing that comes to mind is:.
"to recognize one's knowlede as ignorance, this is a noble insight.
The tradition of Wicca has as one of their most sacred beliefs.
"do a ye will but harm none"
the bible says
"Do unto others as you would to yourself"Many Wiccans believe they said it first, But that's another story LOL.
Need your help with a little research!!!
by cecil ini have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Ya know I looked at that twice, because I didn't want to put the wrong date, LOL, but still did. Must have been a bad day :) Yes actually that was the second in 597, and the destruction was in 586.Larsguy, yes they are copies, but I noticed you said "documents" these were not documents, they were tablets (which I guess in that time period they could be refered to as documents) and they were estimated to have been from the period just after the fall of babylon. But perhaps that's not a good time to be copying, because that's when most of the Old testement was rewritten (copied) to encorperate the zoraterian beliefs into the jewish religion. Like the idea of a single almighty god, the idea of a god of evil (statan), and last but not least the idea of a saviour. But that's another story LOL.
Need your help with a little research!!!
by cecil ini have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
Actually that is why I posted the link, because it does mention that there are those that challenge the chronicals. But as well give the references, so if anyone wanted to take a trip the library or other book source they could look them up and decide for themselves.
Graven Images
by ruffian inmaybe some of you are familiar with the study guid that the j.w's brought to me.
its called "what does god really require of us?
" in chaper 2 they mention graven images.
Wellllllll.......... I never (LOL). The last time I looked the WTS comes out with a calender every year, and in this calender were always images of biblical people, apostles, AND even Jesus himself. Yes Catholics do pray often to the statues in the churches and in their homes, most other christian churches do not however. They do however put up pictures around their home to show devotion and keep themselves in a christian frame of mind, not for worship. I have also see JW's take the pictures from the yearly calender and frame them, then hang them around their homes, for much the same reason a christian would hang a picture of one of the apostles or of Jesus himself. What a bunch of hypocrates.
seedy -
The Name Jehovah
by ruffian inplease can someone shed light on the claim that when the bible was originaly written it had the name jehovah in it over 7000 times but it was changed because of superstition?
how do you dispute it?
exactly where did they get that crazy version of their bible anyway?
It might be interesting to note, if you check out the bibliogriphy in the first few releases of the NWT, before 1960, you might notice the references they used to establish why they feel justified in using Jehovah in place of lord, or god in the New Testiment. Whe you do you will notice these "j" references, ALL of them are references to people that the WTS say's are apostates, jesuits, Catholics, Babylon the Great, The whore of christendom. Hmmm I wonder how reliable these are?
But the other funny part of this is, that these references only refer to a few scraps of manuscripts that the New testiment was translated into Hebrew and are not as old as the greek, it is not found in any Greek manuscripts at all.
Something to ponder, when someone uses an "apostates" information to say that they are correct in doing something wrong.
Need your help with a little research!!!
by cecil ini have found something interesting in the danish new world translation of the holy scriptures.
and i would like to know, how the other nw-translations render the same verse.. it's the "famous" words in jeremiah 29:10, which in the nwt's rendering usually (at least as far as i know) seem to depict and strengthen the seventy years as a period of captivity, instead of servitude under babylonian supremacy!.
It is interesting to note, that most of the other translations (non NWT) do use the word "for" in english. I looked it up in the NASB, KJV, NKJV, Websters, RSV, Youngs, Darby's, ASV, Hebrews names version. Of these versions it is only the KJV, NKJV, and Websters, that uses the word "at", Youngs uses "of", all of the others use the word "for".
Now according to my studies I have found that the written date that Jerusalem fell to total destruction was in 597 according to the Babylonian Chronicals. The Babylonian Chronicals are a large set of tables that were actually a copy of the set of event that took palce during the times of the Babylonian Captivity. The translation of these tablets was started in 1887. In 1956 there were a set of smaller tablets that when translated, it was discovered that the Destruction of Jerusalem came in 597bc,in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar. The tablets also established many other dates including the time periods that the Babylonian kings ruled. According to the WTS and the chronology they use, Jerusalem fell in 607bc yet when we look at the tablets Nebuchadnezzar was not even king during that time, he did not take the throne until 604bc. If you would like to check out a research link dealing with these tablets, go here
I'm wondering with the falicy that has happened in the continual trying to establish dates, that the WTS is now making an effort to erase the history as they have so often in the past, by rewriting their literature, including the NWT, to bring it in line with what they are now making their doctrines.
Maybe this is not what you were looking for but I hope it helps.
I'm a new study, unsure a little uncertain. Help??
by Meow921 ini recently started doing some studying of jehovahs witnesses, and i find most everything so logical, and the people involved have been so nice to me.
i'm 30, and currently am not associated with any denomination.. what i don't understand is how the word "cross" got translated into the bible if it's not right.
aren't we supposed to believe the bible?.
Outnfree is quiet correct, in the translation of the word stauros, is stake-pole-post, ect. But now if you think about it even in english the pole or post can have a cross member and still be called a post or pole, an example of this is the "telephone pole" which most have a cross member, or the "clothesline post" also with a cross member, so it would not be wrong in greek to use a simular word to refer to a torture "stake", "pole", or "post" and it still have a cross member cross member on it. Otherwise we might have telephone "crosses", LOL.
I edited this becasue I forgot to mention something. The WTS has at times admitted that later in the roman empire that the cross was adopted as a form of exicution, but it was suppose to have been long after the death of Jesus. BUTTTTT, just receintly there was a descovery of a body of a man dating to the time or near the time of Jesus that had evidence that he WAS put on a CROSS as a form of exicution, and not an upright single member stake or pole as the WTS claims. I would have to research this again to find out who it was and when it was found, I should have made a mental note about it, but I'm getting too old for mental notes I have write them. LOL
Gospel of Thomas?
by Introspection inyes, i saw stigmata on tv the other night.
while i've seen parts of it before, i didn't realize that there's an actual document that they discovered.
i'm looking for info on this, maybe there will be a free translation online or something.
in addition to the link in the previous post this is another one on the gospel of thomas addition to the gospel of thomas there were other gospels written as well, just name a few there's the gospel of peter, the epistle of barnabas, the gospel of hebrews, the gospel of philip, and the sheperd of hermas. There is also one other mysterious gospel called the gospel of "Q" here are a couple of websight that deal with "Q", they might be of interest.
another other interesting sight about early christina writings is
this last one has quite a listing of links for research into the early writtings, both cannoacal and non.
Check em outseedy
Sign of the Beast
by seedy3 ini just finished watching a program on the book of revelation.
it was a very interesting program.
but one thing i came out with was a puzzle.
Hey Francoise,
Great explanation of the mark of the beast LOL. I'm gonna have to put that one in my book so I can teach it to others. LMAO