That was the way I felt, I really doubt these were incorperated on purpose, possible but not really likely. I find enough information on the WTS without having to wear my eyes out trying to pick strange objects out of a picture.
ok in another thread found here i found here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/55200/1.ashx it references some articles by roberta moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the wts (and i don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links.
now as much as i feel for this person, because i know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on.
i wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all.
That was the way I felt, I really doubt these were incorperated on purpose, possible but not really likely. I find enough information on the WTS without having to wear my eyes out trying to pick strange objects out of a picture.
i have read here in some posts that one of the new releases this year is a brochure, "look!
the beautiful country!
", containing maps.. when it was released, does anyone know if the speaker mentioned how much better the maps in the brochure were than "worldly maps"?.
ROFL Blondie
Most JWs (and most people) in general couldn't find their own city on the map. I remember a test done in the last few years where college students in Miami were asked to find Florida on the map. It was embarrassing how many could not find it.
Show me a map of Guam I'll show you my house LOL, Now to find Guam on a map is pretty hard though, it's so small you need a magnifying glass to find the little speck
my sister just got a visit from the elders.
this was the first visit in 10 years.
an inactive friend told me they are supposed to visit every year.
I haven't seen an elder (well that I know was an elder because the Dubs do come by in their rounds of the neighborhood) in 23-24 years. But then again they have no idea where I am or who I am, and that's kinda fun really because I can play with em.
ok in another thread found here i found here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/55200/1.ashx it references some articles by roberta moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the wts (and i don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links.
now as much as i feel for this person, because i know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on.
i wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all.
Ok in another thread found here I found here http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/11/55200/1.ashx it references some articles by Roberta Moore, whos children were killed and she is blaming the WTS (and I don't doubt it at all), you can read about it in that thread and corresponding links. Now as much as I feel for this person, Because I know, this cult is responsable for countless deaths all over the world be it from suicide, "Persicution", the blood issue and the list goes on. I wonder if these pictures are for real in what she is claiming or can we go to any picture and find hidden symbols that are just the way the picture was drawn, with no real meaning at all. I mean can we find them in Rembrants, VanGohes (However he spelled his name)? Look for yourself and give me an opnion was it done on purpose or just happenstance?
the mention of the word "cult" may bring to mind jim jones of the people's temple and the mass suicide of over 900 innocent lives or david koresh of the "branch dividian and the massacre of innocent lives in waco.. the watchtower may not be a cult of that extreme calibre, but it is without a doubt a cult.. to those of you that may think that the watchtower is not a cult please consider this quote from the book "seductive poison" ( this is the biography of deborah layton who managed to escape jonestown).
the quote reads as follows:.
"when our own thoughts are forbidden, when our questions are not allowed and our doubts are punished, when contacts and friendships outside of the organization are censored, we are being abused for an end that never justifies its means.
From the site blondie posted:
Langone’s study finds additional evidence of psychological or physical isolation of ICC members from the rest of society:
95% said that people outside the group are regarded as “worldly” or “influenced by Satan” or “enemies of God”
90% said members are told that there are no other Christian churches outside the movement where salvation can be found
73% said members are strongly encouraged to move out of old living situations in order to live with members
73% said members are told that going home to visit family or spending time with friends outside the group could cause Satan to get a foothold, and 88% said that spending time with them outside recruiting efforts is not “seeking the Kingdom first”
55% said members are told that they shouldn’t read or watch media coverage of the group
80% said members are told they shouldn’t speak with former members (5)
(figures rounded to nearest whole percent)
Wow who does that sound like??
you guys said i need to listen to him.
(talk radio & fox <yawn>) .
------ him or loath him, he nailed this one right on the head............. .
You know, I cannot stand Rush's self centered, Arrogent attitude, and some times he really pours it on thick, BUT he did hit the nail on the head here. I have a few friends in the miliarty, I bet they would love to read this.
the mention of the word "cult" may bring to mind jim jones of the people's temple and the mass suicide of over 900 innocent lives or david koresh of the "branch dividian and the massacre of innocent lives in waco.. the watchtower may not be a cult of that extreme calibre, but it is without a doubt a cult.. to those of you that may think that the watchtower is not a cult please consider this quote from the book "seductive poison" ( this is the biography of deborah layton who managed to escape jonestown).
the quote reads as follows:.
"when our own thoughts are forbidden, when our questions are not allowed and our doubts are punished, when contacts and friendships outside of the organization are censored, we are being abused for an end that never justifies its means.
It's really sad, when from the outside looking in we see what it is, as stated in the qoute posted. But when you tell a JW that is the way it is I mean "Just look at yourself you cannot question the docrines and rules, you are not allowed to look at information against the WTS, if you try to leave you are shunned and treated as if you are dead, you cannot think independently". These people REALLY don't think it is that way, I have made that statement to many JW's and their reply is always the same, they feel they are not controlled, they are able to look at information about the WTS, they can question the Doctrine and rules, they can think independently and they can leave if they ever wanted to, but that is simply not the case.
For example If a JW goes to an elder and questions something say like the UN fiasco, The JW is counsled and given an answer that they have to accept, they don't realize it is not just the ability to question the WTS, but it is the ability to question their answers, sure you can question, but don't question the answer, "Jehovah will resolve it all in his due time". They feel to question is to not understand, that is not questioning, it is "not understanding", Questioning is having doubts, and when you have doubts you are then weak and possibly turning apostate and heaven forbid that!
It is a cult when you cannot question and cannot leave freely
many of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
Ok let me do some thinking here
If something came from nothing then nothing has always been here, which means that something had to be here becasue it came from nothing. Which brings up a point, if something came from nothing then the something that we are, is actually nothing, because something came from nothing, which means we are all nothing so that we can be something. So........... this really means nothing.
Hmmm I'm starting to see circles in my head, I think I need a nap now.
from another thread:where else does the media so vividly show females as equal .
when i read this, i had to wonder: is there something wrong with doing so?
portraying women as equals?
Mentally I feel women are as capable of doing any job equal to men and should be compensated equally. In the area of Strength, women are not usually as strong, but they do have an advantage over men in that women on average are more agile them men, so in a sence it balances out.
There was a study that was done, I forget where, but they went through all the strengths and weaknesses of each sex and it was astonishing to see what they found. In the area of achedemics women were on average higher skilled in some areas and men in others. Physically men were know to be stronger with brut strength, but women were more flexable and agile. I forget what all was stated, but the idea that men and women are not equal is a fallicy that has been handed down for centuries from a religous stand point so men with their brut can rule.
many of you make claim that god does not exist, you say that you found your evidence in the bible, what i want to know is where is the evidence.
i am not interested in just mere thoughts but actuall evidence
I read the thread you posted @ http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/54769/1.ashx I find right away a fault with the line of reasoning this person used. He is tieing together the Iranian/Persian Mithra, with the Roman Mithras, as well as Indian Mitra. Although they have a relationship in the same way the Christianity and Islam have a tie, but they are not the same god any more then the Allah of Islam or the YHWH of Judeo/christian religons are the same. So for him to make the comment that Mithra was born from a Rock is very incorrect, it was the roman god Mithras, not the Iranian Mithra. So based on the account that this part in totally incorrect, it discounts the entire statement. Mitra from Indian lore is the basis for the other two gods, yes, but again Zoroaster, when he came into the light, he was dertermined to make the worship pure once again as it should be, so he made quite a few changes in the beleif system, much as Mohamad did to christianity and judiesm to creat a newer religon from old parts. The Roman God then again was a sprout off of this, so they evoloved into new religons and new gods, they didn't remain the same god.