Where is the beginning and end of a circle?
Hmmm........... is that "Circular" reasoning??
how can someone or something have no beginning?
i can understand having no end, but to have no beginning is something i never did understand.
i guess that i'm not the only one.
Where is the beginning and end of a circle?
Hmmm........... is that "Circular" reasoning??
secular history gives much evidence to show that the survivors of noah?s flood were real historical figures, whose names were indelibly carved on much of the ancient world ?
The story that Noah and his sons populated the earth has never been proven, but the article you mention does show what I have read many time before and that is that Noah was possibly a real person, he is thought to be one of the Kings of Sumer as his sons may have been. Nimrod they say may have been nonother then Saragon of Akkad. So that is all this proves. they could be historical.. It does not prove that Noah had a big flood and did all the populating of the earth.
In fact, there is a problem with that theroy in that the lineages of the kings continued right through the time of the flood till quite some time after it was suppose to have happened. There seems to be no break in the cities that were built. It seems strange that a city like Jerico would be built right on top of it's self after the flood, and the arguement that "Well it was a prime spot" is not an arguement at all becasue the entie landscape was suppose to have changed due to the flood and should have had a major sediment layer that would have come from the flood, yet there is none.
I got 11 of 11 Now back to my
please, take the time to read this:.
the wts teaches that only the anointed 144,000 seen in revelation 7 will enter heaven (the "anointed class"), while the remainder that are not annihilated (the "other sheep") will live forever on earth in paradise.
however, the bible poses some irreconcilable difficulties with this idea.
Hey folks, Just my $.02 worth,
I noticed A&F's quote of scripture:
2 TIMOTHY 3:16:" All Scripture is inspired from God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,"NWT2 TIMOTHY 3:17:" that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."NWT
I always get a kick out of the Christian application of these 2 scriptures as well as the one in Revelations that says "Not to add or take away"
Gumby was quite right in his statement that that reference had to have only been to the Old Testement, because there was no New Testement when it was written in the letter. There was no decision and no one knew what would be in the NT until somewhere in the thrid and fourth centuries. And the reference in Rev. could have only applied to that book it's self and no other due to the same reason.
As far as Russell being a Jew, if he were a Jew he hid it quite well. And also if he were a Jew he was only in race and not Religion. I have seen references that try and say he was a jew but they have little concrete evidence, and the only evidence used to say he was a Mason, are the qoutes that he himself made at an assembly saying we are all masons, but later in the speach he made the statement that he was not a member of the mason soceity, but had faith like the masons, and we all should have that same faith.
If there is more evidence to that I would love to see it.
well this is my first post in quite a few months, i've kind of taken a break for a while, but none the less i am not lost lol.. anyhow i was just thinking about my cousins that i have not seen in many many years.
when we were kids we were pretty tight, but after i moved to mn in the mid 70's i lost all contact with them.
but i am intersted in finding out if they are still in the borg or not, so if anyone knows please send me a message or post it here.. my uncle's name is james (jim) davis his wife was/is betty.
someone emailed me who lurks and asked if i could repost this thread from my archives-
she has issues with the bible and how it is always giving folks hope, yet never delivers- she wanted to know why has the last days been going on since- the bible was written-??
i'm just doing the lady a favor- i told her what i thought of the following repost.
Yes I caught that right away nilfun, it does say Decendents not, Genghis himself. The Kahn's reached their peak in power and extent, not under Genghis, but under his son's and grandson's rules so putting further down the line the dates could be correct.
now you may think i'm a little slow to catch on here.
this morning was the first time it occurred to me that the jw's use of the tetragrammaton may actually be a huge insult to other faiths.
admittedly they use a modern day english version of the name of god - jehovah.
Here is an interesting study of the Ugarit in ancient Canaan which was a center for their worship.
someone emailed me who lurks and asked if i could repost this thread from my archives-
she has issues with the bible and how it is always giving folks hope, yet never delivers- she wanted to know why has the last days been going on since- the bible was written-??
i'm just doing the lady a favor- i told her what i thought of the following repost.
Many have been predicting the "End" for centuries, but during the Christian era it has been especially popular, check out this website.
now you may think i'm a little slow to catch on here.
this morning was the first time it occurred to me that the jw's use of the tetragrammaton may actually be a huge insult to other faiths.
admittedly they use a modern day english version of the name of god - jehovah.
Well they shouldn't feel insulted or anything else about the use of the name, it does not originate with the hebrews anyway, they stole the name from the Canaanites who had YHWH/YHVH as a lesser god to El, YHWH was the brother to Baal. He was God of the desert and war, some groups spoke of him also as the god of the mountains. He was not the Almighty, but when the hebrews had traveled in the desert for so many years, funny how the god of the desert/war took on the qualities of the Almight El of Canaanite lore.
just though it would be interesting to get your views on a series of events that were recorded 2,500bc.osiris-dionysus was born of a mortal virgin who after her death is honoured as a divine beingosiris-dionysus was born on either 25th december or 6th januarythe birth of osiris-dionysus is prophesised by a starosiris-dionysus turned water into wine at a weddingosiris-dionysus was surrounded by 12 disciplesosiris-dionysus rode triumphantly into town on a donkey while crowds waved branchesosiris-dionysus death and resurrection were celebrated by a ritual meal of bread and wine which symbolizes his body and bloodosiris-dionysus was accused of heresy and bringing a new religionfollowers of osiris-dionysus eat bread and drink wine to commune with him.osiris-dionysus was crucified on a treeosiris-dionysus died to redeem the sins of the worldosiris-dionysus corpse was wrapped in linen and anointed with myrrhosiris-dionysus is resurrected after 3 days and is witnessed by his disciples before ascending into heaventhe dates that osiris-dionysus died and ascended to heaven are exactly the same dates that are used for jesus death and ascending to heaventhree women followers visited osiris-dionysus empty tombfollowers of osiris-dionysus await his return as the judge during the last days.
Actually there are many parallels in the past Osris, Mythras (Roman), Mythra (Persian), Odin, Baccus, Attis, Baal, Tamuzz, Just to name a few. Most all of them have very simular occurences involved in their worship. Almost all have the Euchrist meal in one way or another, and most were all raised from the dead after three days. Some were born of virgins, some were crucified, some had 12 followers who witnessed his resurection or his afterlife, ect, ect. However the closest to the life of Jesus was Baccus, with a close second being Attis. As one website put it old parts to make a new religon.