"No collections are taken at their Kingdom Halls or conventions."
In the UK the org sets an amount per publisher per day for circuit assemblies to be paid by the congregations, a motion is made and a show of hands is taken at a midweek meeting for this contribution and many more contributions demanded by the org. To question this at the time would be highly embarrassing so most people just put their hand up. One question a lot of jdubs have in private is why an assembly hall built and paid for by the brothers costs considerably more than just hiring another hall.
If the desired amounts are not received through the contribution boxes the advice from the c.o. would be to give a local needs, you vowed therefore it's a sin not to pay. So more guilt tripping.
How the org can claim the higher moral ground over Christendom is beyond me, thankfully moreand more jdubs are starting to question where all their money is going.