It just means more dickheads gather in one spot
Posts by Chook
What happens to the elders?
by Worldling9 inwith so many khs closing and congos consolidating, what happens to the elders?
clearly there won't be a place for all of them.
would the older ones be the first to go, losing their long held positions of 'power'?.
IF the elder were paid, how would it change the organization???
by James Mixon inthere would be lot more brothers reaching out that's for sure.....
The CO are paid, you can see the finished product.
Is disassociating worth the hassle?
by HereIgo ini have been out now for 6 years but lately i have been giving some thought to da.
i just kind of feel that chapter in my life is still open and for some reason i feel like da'ing might close that chapter but i'm not entirely sure.
im not df either, when i left i basically faded and disappeared.
There's the thought it would be waist of a postage stamp. If you have any family that's a consideration. Then there is the thought of not having to answer to them (which is my line of thinking). If DA floats your boat sign it with a amen from me. DA would be ok if you got off there database, but I think the cult has everyone on it for life. You could say in your letter you will change your mind if bro Lett rings you to discuss your doubts, I promise ph won't ring.
Going To A Christening Next Week
by pale.emperor inso my girlfriends, friend has invited me to her little boy's christening.
6 months ago if you'd asked me this i'd have recoiled in horror.
in a catholic church?!!!
Even when I was in I didn't fully believe in the boogeyman effect of Christendom and its churches ,my brother being a catholic priest has introduced me to dozens of good hearted and honest clergymen, I even used to stay at the church residence with my family when I would visit my brother ,the Catholic Church in Kiama Australia has a rockstar view on absolute oceanfront . My brother now is the Australian army chaplain for catholic boys ,he done time in Afghanistan reassuring the boys gods on their side. Some of the best architecture is found in church's, even JW on holidays in Europe visit the cathedrals. As pointed out earlier at least the catholic child baptised can change religions later in life and still have family relationships.
An old Kingdom hall now a church?
by HereIgo inhave any of you heard of anything like this.
i remember an ex jw from ohio taking video of a former kingdom hall that is now a church.
apparently the society sold it to the church.
We need to replace the Brooklyn skyline with the picture above projected in the same spot as the slaughterhouse of bethel
New type study for inactive ones now?
by careful inof course, conducting a "bible" study (actually a wts publication study) with an inactive person who comes back is nothing new.
i did so on occasion when i was in, or the boe would assign someone else to do so, especially if it was a sister.. however, i recently heard of this: during the course of the study the elders would go through a loyalty check of the person wanted to rejoin up by going through the baptismal questions again, just like they were a complete newbie.
has anyone else heard of this?
I don't think even cash incentives would get any of us back
An old Kingdom hall now a church?
by HereIgo inhave any of you heard of anything like this.
i remember an ex jw from ohio taking video of a former kingdom hall that is now a church.
apparently the society sold it to the church.
I always refer to KH as churches , if Babylon the great has got blood on its hands imagine what governing body hands look like, dripping from the blood filled chalice of Jw children who got misled on scripture,the suicides alone should make God angry. Always the people in to top of any organisation knows of the past sins. It's called blood guilt. Our church's have only one purpose, they are slaughter houses where the sheep are slaughtered .
A call to arms
by Chook inwe need a wikileaks style double agent at bethel to send in a board meeting of gb and of secret revelations which only the most holy get access to.
there must be some it guru at bethel who can act as double agent..
We need a Wikileaks style double agent at bethel to send in a board meeting of GB and of secret revelations which only the most holy get access to. There must be some IT guru at bethel who can act as double agent.
Is Watchtower now loosening the bedroom rules?
by OneGenTwoGroups ini was at my assembly when this was discussed last week.
of course i hadn't prepared and i heard "no rules about limits", or at least i thought i did.. here's the direct quote from the watchtower study article.. "although the bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection.
the watchtower (study edition) august 2016 : making christian marriage a success, paragraph 8.. what say you?.
What god has yoked together let NO man put apart. God will hold these religious frauds accountable for breaking up families for bedroom rules that went beyond what's written. The sex between married couples at bethel does seem awfully plain vanilla, their is joy in tasting all the cakes in the shop.
POP QUIZ: You're An Elder, And A Sister Has Suicidal Thoughts...
by pale.emperor inlets imagine you're a jehovah's witness elder.
you have zero theological training aside from what you've read in the watchtower and the currently still approved watchtower publications, you have zero counseling skills, and no medical training.
a recently bereaved sister approaches you in tears and tells you she just wants to die.. what do you do?.
If God really held accountable these men over the years for the suicides after their window cleaner slash painter Judical decisions, if God is love and these bastards are accountable then fire and brimstone is headed to Warwick. If a human life is really worth more than a sparrow then Tony Morris and his mates are going to be struck by god for their neglect of the broken sheep.