There are churches here in Pennsylvania with graveyards.
It must depend on municipal laws.
There are churches here in Pennsylvania with graveyards.
It must depend on municipal laws.
i was told that unlike christendom's pastors of mega-churches, members of the governing body don't require a security team and that you can just walk right up to them and talk to them.. is this true?.
Members of the Governing Body are "ordinary"?
I went to a service where the audience murmered in great delight in being "at the feet" of these "great" ones. It was my understanding that they were just watching a video?
Seemed a little... odd.
i was told that unlike christendom's pastors of mega-churches, members of the governing body don't require a security team and that you can just walk right up to them and talk to them.. is this true?.
I was told that unlike Christendom's pastors of mega-churches, members of the Governing Body don't require a security team and that you can just walk right up to them and talk to them.
Is this true?
jude 1:9 shows that michael didn't dare rebuke satan.
if jesus is michael, then why would he be afraid to do so?
in matthew and mark it clearly shows that the demons were afraid of jesus..
Cause Michael and Jesus are not the same being.
the watchtower has been known for over 130 years as a great scriptural cherry-picker.
they pick out disparate unrelated verses and combine them to support the wackiest of wacky doctrines.. on the other hand there are many scriptures they almost never address, whether because they contradict wt doctrine or because they simply don't have a clue what they mean or how to spin them to the wt advantage.. one of these is revelation 19:1 that mentions a "great crowd" "in heaven.
" the only time it is ever brought up it is dismissed.
With respect to how bad it is these days, is there any thought given to Eccl 7:10?
10 Say not, “Why were the former days better than these?” For it is not from wisdom that you ask this. And with respect to cursing others, how about a little further down in the passage... Eccl 7:20-22. 20 Surely there is not a righteous man on earth who does good and never sins. 21 Do not take to heart all the things that people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. 22 Your heart knows that many times you yourself have cursed others.
and it was good!!
everyone dressed differently, some casually, some smart-a real mix.i would say there were 70 or so in attendance, all ages.nice atmosphere.ladies behind introduced themselves.young couple in front also.nice for the kids.refreshments after.had a little chat with the lady vicar, she asked if i would come again.i felt welcome but not overwhelmed.jesus focused more predominantly than at the kh.i really enjoyed it..
Awww.... Quelly, that's great! ...except for the bathroom part.
Out of curiousity, did you feel love bombed or just genuinely welcomed?
as i was laying in bed i thought of a question to ask my wife.
"when the wt has an article on the next change in teaching or new light, just guessing, what do you think it might be?".
it does not need to be phrased just like that, but i thought it might be a powerful question since it would make the jw subconsciously question all of the current teachings, something they are not taught to do.
NJY... I've asked how honorable it is for EVERYone to be wrong, in unity.
I didn't get a clear answer.
as i was laying in bed i thought of a question to ask my wife.
"when the wt has an article on the next change in teaching or new light, just guessing, what do you think it might be?".
it does not need to be phrased just like that, but i thought it might be a powerful question since it would make the jw subconsciously question all of the current teachings, something they are not taught to do.
In the past, I've talked to my friends about how it appears the WTS unapologetically and inexplicably changes doctrines and definitions.
A couple of weeks ago, and thanks to another poster, I was able to show an article from 1942 where the WTS declared that the shepherds and dukes were the annointed and Jesus. That week, the presentation was on the shepherds and dukes being the elders. Yesterday, I wondered out loud how it must feel to be trapped on unstable ground with the WTS. In churches, I explained, core doctrines change very rarely. If you don't agree with the core doctrine, you switch to a church that more closely aligns with your own "new light."
I got the "but we're the only ones who preach" argument which I countered with the Pentacostal growth.
I guess you have to be careful about spitting contests. There's a war to be won.
i care for numerous canines and wonder about your experiences with man's best friend.. some appear ready and able to do as asked and others, well, just sort of stare .
and stare.
Just lost my Standard Poodle and I still cry about it. She was beautiful and VERY smart.
many of us know where we were during 9/11 or when john kennedy and martin luther king were killed.. it seems that when faced with ttatt, real truth is dismissed as "ol' light" or "an imperfect group of men" but from what i gather, many of you, at some point, were hit with a component of ttatt that shattered all of those cliches that allowed you to brush off the obvious reality that something was very wrong.
some of you may remember the hours following your earliest exposures to an undeniably true tatt.
did you zone completely out?
Neverknew: What question did you ask your friend?
After months of my presenting historical WTS inconsistencies (that probably felt more like "gotcha's"), I'm now noticing very measured responses that are, most likely, heavily researched. I've been presenting very innocuous information that has nothing to do with WT doctrine just to re-start communication.
Broadly, I have been talking about the necessity of understanding, not only the scriptural Mitzvot found in the Old Testament, but the significance of learning about the Judaic lifestyle under Mosaic Law. I believe you can more fully appreciate the New Testament with this foundational knowlege. The evening prior, I had sent an e-mail about Mosaic law with respect to how the primary accusor of an offense where the punishment was stoning was required to throw the first stone. In John 8, the Pharisees dragged a woman into the temple and made an accusation of adultery. In verse 7, Christ challenged the one without sin to throw the first stone. I was attempting to demonstrate the opportunity for a deeper connection to the message with a broader understanding of Jewish culture in that era.
After his "research" (which wasn't necessary - it was just supposed to be observational) he concluded that he was unable to make a comment on my observations of that scriptural passage because the Watchtower had deemed the passage "spurious." I wanted to ask if the WT was suggesting that the Bible was fallible but given his disoriented behavior, I felt it'd be too much.