I think writing 1.00 is more honorable. You can hit that figure, right?
You can then appear pious by mentioning the strain your payment ...pledge ... resolved donation has become on your finances with the rest of the mumblers.
the gb can kiss my ass.. i'm writing "0" on the little slip of paper they pass out.. hey here's a thought:.
you know that "widow's might" stuff they're always talking about?
well i'm pretty dang sure that the lady was giving from the heart not because she filled out some dumba$$ piece of paper pledging two small coins several months previous!.
I think writing 1.00 is more honorable. You can hit that figure, right?
You can then appear pious by mentioning the strain your payment ...pledge ... resolved donation has become on your finances with the rest of the mumblers.
2014-03-29 adjustment to financing kingdom hall and assembly hall construction worldwide.
pdf version: http://adf.ly/juxnc.
instruction: press the 'skip ad' button top right, you should then see the download screen more easily.
I was thinking that a congregation's elders could low-ball the figure so as to easily make the minimum payment resolved donation every month. Overages could then be added to a rainy day fund. Lo and behold, this is addressed within the "surplus funds" category. Rainy day funds are "unnecessary surplus."
My understanding has been adjusted. What a loving provision.
my mother is visiting us again tomorrow, only 5 weeks since her last visit.
things seem to be going pretty well with her, and the kids are enjoying having grandma back in our routine.
she is retiring at the end of may (age 65), so she promises that this is going to mean more time with family.
where they will be asking members to make commitments for monthly monetary donations
When will this be announced?
im new here and im 17, going to turn 18 in 1 week.
i studied with my gradma the bible teach book and went to meeting with her and other relatives (considering most my relatives are jw except my parents) and i believe in all of it because i never read the bible for myself.
after reading the gospels i started noticing contradictions in the jw doctrine like when jesus said many would dine with the patriachs in the kingdom of heaven (yet only 144,000 jws can) which would seem odd considering the fact he adressed this to more then the apostles.
Yogo... learn as much as you can about the Bible from as many perspectives as you can. You'll be just fine.
one thing i have learned over the years is there is a clear, distinct purpose to everything the wts does.
everything is done to accomplish a defined purpose.. did they really print millions of new bibles just to be more accurate?
after decades of toughting how much better the nwt was than any other bible?.
Forgive my ignorance.... the Bibles weren't free? Was there a recommended "contribution" or do people just tend to put more in the box when they get ... stuff.
okay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
Why would anyone become so involved emotionally with a JW? If they are not a JW?
I, as a non-JW, can say that it's because of our frame. In that which we know, there's an acceptance of interfaith relationships and other perspectives. That's why I'm suggesting that he attend a couple of your services. He will CRINGE when he hears the things that are said for the words and constructs of a superior denomination are foreign to us.
Non JWs have no idea... if they did, the reception at some doors would go a whole heck of a lot differently.
okay so i'm dating a born-in jw woman, she's younger than me and has no kids.
i'm a christian man whos divorced with 2 kids.
we're in love and seriously want to be together.
It sounds like you attend church. For an eye-opener and to REALLY evaluate what you're getting into, I implore you... go to at least three meetings at a Kingdom Hall.
You HAVE to hear how they speak of us as non-jws. Forget the apostate stuff... Jonza, they are told to hate/distrust ANYbody who is not a JW. I promise you. You will hear the insults fly and you WILL feel like you've been punched in the gut several times. These aren't nice meetings. The most frightening aspect for me was listening to those in the audience around me in total agreement with the speaker. Sermons on unconditional love are foreign to her.
Once you hear what she hears, you'll have a better idea of what to discuss with her.
once you start viewing "worldly" people as people, just like yourself and everyone else, you can't help but to be filled with love and appreciation.. i read this scripture today and liked it :.
james 3:7-9 - for every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind, 8 but no human being can tame the tongue.
it is a restless evil, full of deadly poison.
Verse 9 says it all.
next week's wt is full of helpful encouragement not to believe satanic propaganda that might tell us that the world is getting to be a better place to live in.. .
well, i stumbled across this article here, that contains lots of so-called 'facts' and 'figures', i'm sure glad i read my wt first so i can recognise that this is nothing but lies, all lies.. .
Heathens... they should read the Scriptures.
Say not, "Why were the former days better than these?" For it is not from wisdom that you ask this.
- Ecclesiastes 7:10
i have been dropping comments to a few re some classic old beliefs and teachings etc... and when asked "where did you read that, or how come you are saying such and such?
" i have replied "well, you remember we have often been told to study and research our old 'theocratic history' and 'old gems' of material?....
now though i have been challenged to prove where this has been printed!.