JoinedPosts by NeverKnew
Coming to terms with the Watchtower experience
by Lee Elder init is a challenge coming to terms with your experience as a jehovah's witness.
if you were born and raised as a jw, and your parents were true believers, the impact on your life is profound, lasting, and largely negative.
in some cases quite abusive emotionally, spiritually, financially, educationally and yes, even sexually.. i recently watched "trumbo", and was quite moved by dalton trumbo's speech to the screen writers guild in 1970. here is an excerpt that i think is quite relevant to this topic:.
I know of a few families where one generation of dysfunction followed another. At the root of it all was the WTS. -
Disturbance during Memorial 2016.
by Ben131895 intwo documented disturbances during memorial 2016. type 'memorial 2016' on youtube.
I dunno.
I would think a more effective campaign so to speak would be to teach non-JWs in a non-emotional way what this group is really about and then let householders start anti-witnessing.
My brother has the ARC Washington Post article at his door and is waiting for the next Witness to come to his door so he can ask them to explain the WTS's position on it.
Seems to me that if you equip enough households with information like this, the preaching work may end.
Wow, look at all the comments on MY thread!
So you made another account? Now you're named after a lady's sanitary napkin... This is great.
Especially, not the kind of persons I want to be friends with.
So... how many more accounts will you create to be around people you don't want to be friends with?
the world at large is more concerned with organizations that pose a lethal threat, like ISIS.
Well, this site is more concerned with the organization that has either threatened to wreck or has successfully wrecked people's emotional lives by using their own families as weapons.
If that's what you respect, go and continue to be a part of the emotional jihad they're inflicting on others that are hurting. I'm sure your Jehovah respects you as much as Allah respects the suicide bombers.
Status update and hello.
by Darkknight757 ini haven't posted here in a few months and to be honest i haven't been lurking either.
i hope everyone is doing well.😊 i wanted to take a minute to let you know how things have been the last few months.. recently the brothers decided to finally consider my letter of resignation.
they met with me alone and i let them know why i have become inactive as a publisher and why i no longer wish to serve as an elder in the congregation.
My heart sincerely goes out to you and your wife.
Im glad things are working out with your fade.
Good God.
It appears that this one is going to be a hatefest.
Wonder which will be worse... An African American at a Trump rally or a non-JW at this convention.
JW Broadcasting: How to make memorial bread
by Gorbatchov ini don't believe it, but it is on jw broadcasting: how to make memorial bread.. it is just like the 24/kitchen broadcasting..
Why learn how to make something only the mentally diseased and anointed can use? -
Hi Everyone. Answer to prayer countdown...
by Stumpy ini've been lurking for about 3 months now and thought i'd better finally sign up.
you have all been an immense help to me as i have come to realize that this isn't the truth so i want to say a great big thank you!
what a crazy, emotional ride it is to finally face the truth about the doubts that i have carried for many years.
Almost free! Enjoy it 😀
Please, tell me.
by andrewlya inhi, i am a christian and i would like to know jehovas witness's belief in god and whether you believe jesus is god.
please, any statements back up with biblical verses,thank you and god bless, in jesus's name.. i am new on here, so please be patient with me :).
Jehovah's Witnesses operate as witnesses of the Father, not the Son.
They also believe that Jesus already returned in 1914.
God only communicates with their leaders as they are the sole mouthpieces of God... unless they are on a Witness stand for a huge multi-million dollar pedophile case. Then that standard line becomes a "presumptuous" statement made by imperfect men in the Lord's perfect organization.
Only JWs will survive Armageddon. oh... unless you're a baptized JW who broke a rule such as not to smoke and were removed by 3 guys who also attended your services.
Despite the fact that there is nothing in the Scriptures about an Earthly resurrection, they are told repeatedly that everyone will be resurrected to Earth.
Christmas, Easter and every other holiday are evil.
I would recommend you visit That'll get you caught up.
our secret dating got caught...
by trueloveneverfails94 inwe both are 21 years old.
we both are 21 years old.
i am almost done with my study and working on to become one of an unbaptized publisher.
I gladly don't have any friends,family,and relatives that are witnesses who are going to shun me.
I'm a non-witness who has gone down the path you're going. I read the sentence above and I have to ask you - do those words, in any way, sound selfish? I think I can speak to you on a different level.
Sweetheart, you are coming from an environment where anything other than unconditional love is considered maniacal. You can make just about any decision you want and your loved ones can express their displeasure but will continue to love you, speak to you, interact with you and hope nothing but the best for you. YOU KNOW NOTHING ELSE. This is our norm. Should you discontinue this JW path, your family will appreciate your decision, but the notion of being welcomed back like the prodigal son in the Scriptures who physically left?... Little different for those of us who have nothing to lose. Social media, telecommunications devices etc allow us to remain in touch with family and YOUR FAMILY WON'T BE TOLD BY ANYONE TO ABANDON YOU. Given what I've read so far, I suspect that you wouldn't do so well if this happened to you.
When I applied the ramifications of failing to follow a rule and having NOBODY communicate with me for many years and quite possibly the rest of my life... I'm talking immediate family who you spent all of your formative 21 years with... I don't know about you, but I can't breathe. It sounds weird, but seriously, all we have is our imagination. Close your eyes and try to make it real.
I don't know where you are in their lesson plan, but putting yourself under this yoke for her sake and suffering together is not love. That little voice inside of you that's suggesting that something's not right is going to get louder as you continue down this road of oppression. I came to realize that what they do speaks so loudly that it's hard to hear what they're saying. One poster describes their actions as making weapons out of a person's loved ones. Is that the future you want for your family? Do you really want to co-sign onto that?
Do you even remember what truly unconditional love and support is from within a religious institution? I need for you to go back to where you were before subscribing to JWism and imagine how proud of your past you would be if you two could walk into a church - hand and hand, and get an opportunity to sit next to the girl of your dreams. You could proudly introduce her as your future wife. This would be followed by a "congratulations" and an immediate respect for the two of you being honest and the potential future of your relationship by those around you with a loving and supportive respect for the "arrangement" that you two are pursuing. I think you know she would collapse into the welcoming arms of the love, support and acceptance the two of you would receive.
Which environment seems more loving to you right now? Forget doctrine. Despite what you're being told - that's not God. Love is. Sincerely think about it. Which do you want to proudly offer people? The one you're pursuing or the one you've left?
Don't forget, he who the Son sets free is free indeed. She is not free - and right now, neither are you.
The people are mobilizing Mr Drumpf
by Simon inprotesters shut down a trump rally.
massive numbers of people are out in chicago and have shut his event down.
there were scuffles inside the event.. despite his lame attempt to pretend the violence he instigates is nothing to do with him it's clear that it is as the cnn quotes during the last event showed only too well.. this doesn't happen at anyone else's events - candidates have even given up the stage to protesters, not called for them to be beaten and punched.. trump is an ugly person and this is just a small taste of what a future under his rule would be like.. shame on the gop for not kicking his ass out.
The people that are mobilizing against Trump are a well orchestrated group.
Uh... no they weren't. They were a mixed bag of people who have become annoyed by Trump's bigotry. They were Latinos, African-Americans, Muslims, and women. This was no "well orchestrated" group. Their common bond was their sentiment for the spirit of Trump's campaign.
The Occupiers do this to make their statement.
That's called a protest. Yes, you have a right to express opinions and others have a right to disagree.The "people" are not just the liberals of the world. There are many people that are simply fed up with the policies of the last 8 years.
Trump gamed you. I heard that spin yesterday.
Ask yourself a few questions:
Have people shown up with this level of rage at other rallies for any other candidate... Republican or Democrat?
Is that what they were screaming about? I don't remember one protester's sign saying anything about the policies of the last 8 years, jobs being transferred overseas to China and Mexico, or pay raises. Did you? My gosh Sweetheart, many of those in attendance appeared to be college-aged students. They didn't give a rats a$$ about China, Mexico, or a failure to have had a pay raise since the age of 9. It appeared that a decent percentage of the audience was under 26 years of age. I wonder how they feel about their health benefits?
In the last 7 years, Obama has signed less than 70 bills into law. Do you have any idea what's normal? Do you know how many bills are sitting on Harry Reid's desk? Do you know how many bills have been filibustered? Are you familiar with the American Jobs Act or the Infrastructure Bill that Republicans blocked?...
What about the Act that would have ended Offshoring and would have changed tax breaks for companies that pick up and take their business to other countries to keep jobs here?... or the Bring Jobs Home Act? ..or the Student Loan Reform Act? Are there any females you know and love (other than myself) who are being paid unfairly?... if so, what about the Equal Pay for Women Act?
Trump is using rhetoric to game you. The Republicans have stomped Obama's efforts to get things done even in the face of the goal being economically advantageous for the economy and America.