JoinedPosts by NeverKnew
Judicial committee letter to elders
by Israel Ricky Gonzales inwarning: this is rather lengthy.
i thought i would post this information that i took with me to my judicial committee.
the elders promised that we would talk about everything that was bothering me, yet, we ended up talking about less than 10% of it.
Maybe something in that 10% will stick to one of them one day. -
Songs celebrating leaving the faith? Not being a puppet, mind controlled, living life, etc etc
by aley63 ini am looking for some songs that are in ref to celebrating leaving, seeing the light, realizing what you were told wasnt right, being happy w your life, etc etc.
all those emotions about being controlled and repressed, being told what you can feel or think or how to live, blindly following the "brotherhood ".
For some reason, I think of Jwism whenever I listen to some songs on Pink Floyd's "The Wall."
Sorry... probably not a good choice for celebrating. He was trying to escape his societal norms and requisites - that's what may be taking me there.
Need help on Resurrection
by Bella15 ini hope all is well.
recently my uncle ( my mom's brother ) passed away, he was never a jw but evangelical christian all of his life, never accepting my moms teaching.
so my mom in facebook keeps on making references to other family members when her brother comes back in the resurrection and live in the paradise ...i thought that worldly people who is not jw will not going to be resurrected .... what is the current teaching on resurrection for nonjws?...
Good question Bella!
Sounds like paradise will have imperfect people... Doesn't that make it an imperfect paradise? And does anyone know what scriptures are leveraged for this second chance program?
I'm a non-jw who communicates with quite a few jws so my questions are not rhetorical. They are real. I just want to know what landlines I'll step on if I bring this up.
What the hell, what's the deal with Summons for Jury Service?
by James Mixon ini posted two years ago with the same subject.
every two years i receive a summons.
for jury duty.
The absolute real reason?
They apply your permanent excusal to your record but, over periods of time records have to be updated as people move in to and out of the county. Some agencies just provide the counties with names and addresses with no associated unique identifiers that would tie your new record to your old record. Many counties find it easier and faster to just purge and replace the complete driver's plus voter's lists that they pull jurors names from with a new one and deal with the fallout of permanently excused people having to re-prove their illnesses rather than go through the pain of trying to compare records and make assumptions about who is who.
In my county there is an attempt to do this, but it's not always perfect. Our drivers agency provides us with the driver's license number which allows us to maintain reliable information on permanent excusals, but the voter list we get is just names and addresses. The most flack comes from females who have married and changed their last names. With no unique identifier, there's no way to tell that Peggy Smith who used to live at 123 Maple Avenue is now Peggy Jones who lives on Elm Street.
I could be wrong, but it sounds like your county deletes the old and starts over every couple of years.
Within one minute JW with trolley directs me to
by steve2 ini live in relatively small seaside community (regional population around 45,000).
in my ten years here, i've had witnesses call on me perhaps twice (not special visits but during door-to-door).
whereas they once canvassed door-to-door much more frequently - and in larger size service groups - there is quite a decline in their door-knocking - at least in this region.. with the advent of the "trolley" work, their visibility has increased - but i'd estimate only marginally.
Reminds me of a conversation I had with a JW a few months ago.
A day after my friend had returned from an assembly - all hyped up about the "encouraging" message, I asked, "Out of curiosity, how many people got baptized?"
To which he responded... "I think about 8."
I then asked, "How many people attended?"
"....mmm about 3,000."
I reached for my calculator, multiplied 3,000 x 5 hours x 52 weeks and said, "So at an average of say 5 hours a week, your collective efforts of three quarters of a million hours yielded 8 lives saved? My friend had 5 people baptized at her church of 250 people and they don't even do the door to door thing...."
To which he responded, "That's not what it's all about *Neverknew*... We just share the Bible with people." He knew he sounded like an idiot so I didn't bother asking him to elaborate. I'm hoping he does that math at every single convention.
So Steve2?... "That's not what it's all about" anymore. Sorry.
Because I approach JWs at every opportunity I have story upon story.
The Religion Of Rejection - And Now That Includes Me
by dubstepped indue to some recent developments i find myself in a new place, and at this point i've lost all of my family and fri....oh that's right, i never really had any friends in the organization anyway.
just people that wanted something from me and a few people that i would invite to do things that occasionally said yes.
the recent rejections of me got me thinking, so let's take a rejection inventory.. i had to reject all of the holidays when my parents started studying.. i had to reject any worldly friends that i already had.. even family became rejected, and the new religion had some place in that.. i was rejected in school and bullied all of the time, not just because we were poor and i made good grades, but for jw reasons too.
Wow... this is a sick reality. Never saw it quite like this. -
I saw some witnesses today...
by Garrett ingossiping.
yep, that's right!
so, i'm sitting outside a building, waiting for my martial arts class to begin when two sisters walk down the road leading to the building.
I was in a grocery store the other evening when, it seems, the KH around the corner let out. Thursday night and men with suits and women with dresses in every aisle. I struck up a conversation with THREE of them! Do you think ONE would attempt to save my soul? NO!
I mean... I have no tattoos... no funny colored hair... Could it have been my yoga pants and long T-Shirt?
Garrett, I too want them to speak to me about "spiritual things", but alas... we get to talk about how great the peaches smell.
rejection of your own founder?
by Mr.logic inwhat kind of confidence can anyone have in an organization that rejected its founder and first two presidents for the first 63 years of its existence?
that's 53% of the time they existed!
any comments.
Heck, didn't they just reject the anointed - the faithful and discreet slaves and providers of their spiritual food, in October, 2012 and get new slaves?
How can one trust a group who says they get their information directly from "Jehovah", but not know who's receiving the messages????
Average Age of this Forum?
by Garrett inheyo!.
i'm quite interested in knowing the average age of those of us who use this forum.
i made a quick strawpoll that you can find at the following link: just pick an age and click "vote" if you wish to participate.. admins: if this breaks any rules, i apologize in advance..
Insanely curious non Jw here.
Forty nine
Need advice on a comeback to my wife: when she is in cult mode she says faith without works is dead.
by goingthruthemotions inso i have gotten into arguements with my wife in the past about this cult.
now a days after reading steve hassan books...i just try and avoid anything jdub with her.
try to keep her in authentic mode..(not sure she really has one).
I don't know if this will help you. I've never been a JW. All I can offer is the frame from which I've come.
James was an apostle to the Jews. (Galatians 2:9) James was speaking to Jews. (James 1:2) He was using terms Jews, who had spent thousands of years in a works-based salvation, would understand. In order to gain acceptance you had to DO something. They were trying to impose that on Gentiles (Galations 1). But Paul argued adamantly against the Gentile's participation in this set of rules. (Acts 15)
Glad I'm a Gentile.