DATA-DOG: They have been in recycle mode since 1915.
Not only in recycle mode, actually in la-la-fantasy-mode too. This is my experience at one of the Branches where I worked:
This was at the Nicaragua Branch (in 2004) and we had just received the newest Yearbook at the Branch. Now, you must know that all the experiences that go into the Yearbook pass through the Branch Committee Coordinator. He is the one that has to sign-off all the experiences from the field. Not the Service Department Overseer (where most experiences come from). Every year they have a window of time to request or submit experiences to the Coordinators office and from there to Brooklyn.
I will never forget how we all opened the new Yearbook and found one experience from our Branch. I've read the experience and didn't recognize it. Later on I was in the Coordinators office and he was kind of speechless and confused. I told him: "How nice, we are again in the book" and he said: Yes, but that experience didn't come from me, nor did we submit any this year. He went to check again and sure thing, it didn't come from him. He asked me to investigate the experience and run it through the Service Department, which I did and again: no results for such an experience. Since I was a little eager zealot and always thought that everything in the Society's books is almost inspired, checked older experience folders and letters to see if they had used some old stuff (recycled) and never found anything!
We both kept our mouth shut. It felt disturbing, we both thought the same thing but didn't spell it out. Only after seeing a couple of other things in the following years did it dawn me that they have no shame and are unscrupulous enough to publish whatever it crosses their lying minds.
So, sorry, Andre & porn princess are probably a bunch of bollocks.